Tips for those who are going to Sanyu


Sanya is quite young, but the resort is already well known to many Russian-speaking tourists. Here you can serene to relax on the beaches surrounded by coconut palm trees. And to do this will work at any time of the year. You can pamper yourself with gastronomic delicacies or to actively rest. Sanya provides tourists a huge number of opportunities for a versatile holiday. After all, it is here that the main tourism center of the Tropical Island Hainan is located. But, as in any other resort, in Sanya there are their orders, customs and foundations that should be observed in order for the rest of the "cloudless" and the desire to return here at least once.

By itself, the resort is divided into several districts, each of which has something special.

  • The most tourist is the center of Sanya (Sanya City.
  • Dadonghai Bay is an amazing area of ​​the resort, combining natural beauty on its territory and modern tourist objects. In this part of Sanya prefer to stop for the night of budget travelers. Here you can find hotels and restaurants with adequate prices, and the local beach will satisfy the requests of even the most capricious tourist.
  • Jalunva Bay is the furthest and at the same time expensive corner of Sanya. Here, tourists will find five-star hotels with a full range of services, chic golf clubs, expensive restaurants and entertainment centers. High prices absolutely do not allow ordinary travelers to be installed in this part of the resort.

The main language of the resort is Chinese. However, local residents speak good and read in Russian.

Tips for those who are going to Sanyu 17745_1

Personnel of hotels, restaurants and large shopping centers is freely expressing in Russian and tolerately owns English. And yet, going for a walk around the city or the surroundings, it would be nice to have a business card or leaflets with the coordinates of the hotel in which you stopped for the night. In some hotels, attentive employees are manifested by the initiative, and offer travelers to fill in a kind of identification card. In Chinese, the initials of the owner and the hotel address are indicated. In the future, tourists may present this card to any conversational Chinese, if suddenly get lost in the labyrinth of urban streets. It also comes in handy when communicating with local taxi drivers and bicycles. The cabings do not always understand Russian, and even more English, and so you can simply show the sheet with the address and name of the hotel. An experienced driver will immediately understand where the passenger should be delivered.

By the way, a taxi is a comfortable transport for moving in the Chinese resort. In Sanya, of course, there are exceptionally pedestrian streets, but in general, from one district of the city to another, it is quite convenient to move on a taxi. The car can be caught right on the street or call by phone by typing number 96789.

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The cost of landing and the first 4 kilometers of the journey will cost travelers in 11 yuan. Each subsequent kilometer will cost approximately 1.6 yuan. Payment for travel is carried out strictly in the meter and passengers are issued a check. Paving taxists are not accepted. Some drivers can perceive it as an insult. Taxi riding at night will cost a little more. With the onset of darkness, the right rear door of the taxi is decorated with a leaf with an evening fare.

For economical tourists in the city there is a bus. And even if you stop within walking distance from the beach, a shopping center or a restaurant, to get to those interested in the sights will be necessary for any vehicle. In this case, it will be possible to use the services of an intracity bus number 2 or No. 4. Both routes pass through Jefan Road and make a turn to Luling Road. At the same time bus number 2 makes a complete range faster, while the fourth bus makes several additional stops in the area of ​​the longest sandy beach in Sanya (Sanya River). Travel in public transport Sanya costs only 1 yuan.

Rent a car or motorcycle in Sanya is quite problematic. And the point is not at all in the cost of rent, which usually does not exceed 1500 yuan per week of rental. The problem is that, according to local laws, the driver must have an existing driver's license of the Chinese sample. And no international rights at this Chinese resort will be a salvation for tourists. Yes, and travels on the roads of Sanya is unsafe. The local people of the road traffic abides rarely. Rickshaw on motorcycles often drive directly on the sidewalks and pedestrians for them are not a hindrance movement. And yet, traffic lights in Sanier are the subject of the decor than regulating the movement to the means. On burning green or red light, few people pay attention. So, moving the road, it is necessary to rely solely on your attention and good luck.

For communication with relatives in Sanya, you can use the services of the local CHINA Telecom operator. . The operator's card is the easiest way to buy in one of the city shopping centers. Putting on account of 30 yuan, it will be possible to make an international call home for 30 minutes.

People are peculiar to Sanier with the Internet. Network access can be accessed in numerous Internet cafes scattered throughout the resort districts. An hour of use of the Internet will cost travelers in 3 yuan. But according to Chinese laws in social networks and access to the Google search network, users will not even for money. As for free Wi-Fi, it is available in many hotels. And here the enterprising personnel can suggest tourists how to circumvent virtual restrictions.

Sanya cannot boast full security for tourists. As in any other resort, there are pocket thieves and picker robbers on motorcycles, snatching bags. Therefore, wearing a passport with you, large amounts of money and valuable things are not worth it. Even numerous policemen on the streets of Sanya cannot fully protect travelers from pocket thefts and small fraud. But this should not be an obstacle to visiting the city-Garden.

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A girl without accompaniment can be riding here and family tourists. Guardians of the law guard the streets of the resort even at night.

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