Taba is the most beautiful resort of Egypt


The wonderful resort of Taba was chosen for relaxing this year, I wanted to relax from busy working days and forget about daily bustle and noise for all 10 days of vacation. The resort of Taba wals the easternmost resort area of ​​Egypt. It is located on the amazing beauty of the lands of the Akab Bay, next to the granite mountains and pristine azure lagoons. The thick, glands of the eyes with juicy shades, oasis of green tropical vegetation stretched along the entire length of the coastal sand line, about 5 kilometers.

As in the larger resorts of Egypt, you can perfectly spend your free time at the hotel, fully enjoying the comfortable service. Resting on the beach can be enjoyed the warm sun and beautiful views of the azure horizon. At sea, you can dive in search of underwater wanders and see the beauty of coral reefs. It is possible to walk among the mighty and majestic granite peaks or swim on a snow-white yacht. The resort is also practiced windsurfing and a unique exotic fishing is allowed.

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Among the entertainment is very popular diving, which is considered one of the best in Egypt. It was especially successful on the island of Pharaoh, with coral reefs there, tourists are brought there daily small and comfortable boats. In the evening, on the island of Pharaohs, you can witness a spectacular and sound view.

The unique attraction of the resort is the island of Pharaoh. It is located near the coastline of an ancient city, which has absorbed traditions and culture of four countries - Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Palestine. Pharaoh Island in the old days was the Phoenician port, later switched to the Crusaders. After the reign of Salah, El Dina, the local Sultan in the XIII century built a castle, which can be seen today. The fjord and coral reef resort are located next to the coast and the island of Pharaoh, are striking with their beauty, the same unique as the beauty of granite mountain slopes. In addition to the island of Pharaohs, we went to the Multicolored Canyon.

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The excursion program is diverse and is saturated with interesting offers. I visited a cognitive and interesting excursion in Cairo. Successors were offered by another excursions to Mount Moses or the monastery of St. Catherine.

Despite the fact that Taba is considered not the most visited resort of Egypt, but he gives a resting truly calm and peaceful rest surrounded by the pristine natural beauty and recognized by tourists the most beautiful resort of the country.

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