What do you need to know going to rest in Jaipur?


I plan a trip to Jaipur, any traveler shaped represents the city with majestic palaces, temples, indians in multi-colored sari and abundance of pink color. For some of these illusions on arrival in Jaipur, they will be brought to life, and the majestic city with a rich heritage and unusual architecture will appear before tourists.

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Others may be a little disappointed with the disadvantage of the purity and the annoying of local residents. Although fairly welcoming and responsive people live in Jaipur. But, nevertheless, absolutely all guests of the city will be undoubtedly twisted with an amazing atmosphere reigning in a contrasting Jaipur.

A fussy Indian city envelops travelers with a crunchy cocktail from the old and new. And, perhaps, tourists will not know the following practical information.

  • The local population speaks in Hindi and Rajasthani. But due to the popularity of the city among tourists, some of the inhabitants are nicely expressing in English. Qualified guides and staff in hotels and hotels owns an international language necessarily.
  • Ordinary citizens are well referred to tourists, which you can not say about authoriters and taxi drivers. They attack travelers, barely come down from trains or buses, right on railway and bus station platforms. The cost of services of frequent drives in most cases is overshought. And in case of refusal of the services offered, meticulous drivers may even shout out the insult to tourists. Those who are led by a persuade and sits in the Rickshaw or taxi driver vehicle, pre-noticeing the cost of travel, when disembarking may be unpleasantly surprised by the amount that will need to lay out for a short trip. So, in order to avoid all of these misunderstandings, the traveler follows with an iron excerpt to go through the "crowd" Ricksh directly to the official point of ordering taxi or bike transport. At the bus station, such an item is located on the platform number 3. He also has at the railway station. Here, an employee of the order point clarifies where to go to tourists and takes a prepayment for travel. Price, taxi services, fixed and amounts to 23 rupees per kilometer. A short trip with a velaikash hurry to 30 rupees.

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  • You can travel to Jaipur at any time of the year. The main thing is to take into account that from April to July in the city it is installed hot and arid weather. In the daytime, the thermometer's thermometer is rarely lowered below + 30 ° C. In the period from the end of June to September, Jaipur are covered with monsoons, and strong pouring rains sometimes lead to floods. However, at the same time - from May to September, most of the budget hotels in Jaipur reduces the cost of accommodation by 25-50%. Even some hotels with high levels lowered prices by 30%. So, the budget holidays during this period to tourists is provided, but with the weather - how lucky.

It is believed that Jaipur is suitable for leisure travelers of all ages. And yet, family tourists would advise you to visit this unforgettable corner of India in a more favorable season. As for me, the optimal months for walking along a rectangular planned city are November and March. It's nice to admire the sights and fabulous landscapes of Jaipur, when the air temperature lasts within + 17-19 ° C and there is practically no cloudy days.

  • To retain from committing thoughtless purchases in Jaipur is very difficult. The abundance of goods on the local bazaars and in numerous shops eclipses the mind of tourists. In Jaipur, everything is sold - from the magnetics to the fridge to the jewels. Shopping here is nice and easy. No need to avoid communicating with sellers. Bargaining in city markets is more like a competition, the outcome of which all participants are satisfied. Stropfully traded tourist acquires goods with a significant discount, and the merchant is satisfied with the result of the transaction. So it is not easy to bargain in the Jaipur markets, but you need. Shops and shopping centers for good shopping is better to choose away from attractions. As a rule, near the palaces are the most expensive commercial institutions. In large centers, tourists are offered to pack and deliver goods at the specified address, but for such a service it will be necessary to additionally pay. So it will be cheaper to pick up purchases with you.

Rickshaw, hotel workers and guides send tourists to the most expensive shops and shops of Jaipur, receiving a small bonus for it from the owners.

  • You can exchange currency in Jaipur in many places, including at the reception in hotels and in numerous ATMs. Visa cards are serviced by ATMs of the State Bank of India (available on the territory of Hotel Om Tower), Standard Charterd PLC and HDFC Bank (ATM at the Angle of Gay Singh and Ashoka Marg). All these ATMs work around the clock.
  • There is a few Internet cafes in which access to the network will cost about 25 rupees per hour. The connection rate of these Internet points can not boast of boast, but to connect with their own Skype with tourists. In addition, most hotels and guest houses provide their guests free WiFi access. As for tourists who do not stay for the night in Jaipur, they can look at the Dhoom Cyber ​​Cafe, located in a quiet courtyard on ML RD, or at Mewar Cyber ​​Cafe, working close to the Station RD bus station.
  • If during your stay in Jaipur, health problems will arise, tourists can seek help from the local hospital Santokba Durlabhji Hospital. She is located on Bhavan Singh Marg and serves patients from 5 am to 8 pm.

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For round-the-clock consultation, you can contact Savai Mansing Road in Savai, located on Mansing Road. There are several pharmacies in the city, where travelers can buy the necessary medicines. And in the most extreme case, helping the doctor's personnel can help. The main thing is not to forget before the trip to issue medical insurance.

  • Jaipur can be called a safe city, but to lose vigilance in local markets and in lively travelers should not be. Do not also try street food and drink water from under the tap.

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