Why is it worth going to Suifenhe?


Any traveler border cities always cause special curiosity. If we are talking about great China - especially since. In search of something original and at the same time do not miss Suifenhe. Various reference books and tourist sites call it the city, the village. Holding to a strictly administrative approach worth noting: this is a city county, consisting of two settlements - Actually Suifenhe and Funin.

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Someone may argue, they say that interesting in the rustic wilderness? However, comparatively The newly emerged Suifenhe carries its special socio-economic burden, possessing the unique natural charm. . The mountains and rivers are a magnificent frame for any settlement, and this settlement spreads around the slope of the Changbayan Ridge on the banks of the river, the name of which translates very intricate and at the same time beautifully - as, however, and accepted everywhere in Asia. In a word, the river Suifen is the local themselves called the "River of the Decorating Aroma". Despite the rather urban appearance of the town managed to preserve the islands of greenery, flowering flower beds, cozy quiet corners. And so "very" urbanist he had to become, because of the originally created as an ordinary market to meet the needs of the local population and visitors, he grew up to a special economic zone in its region and the experimental site on the scale of the country - on the country and storage of the innocence on Equal from Chinese, that is, now it is not a problem to store, remove from accounts, pay for goods and services by Russian rubles.

Like many border settlements, this town also primarily affects pain with familiar Russian signs and abundance of Russian-speaking pedestrians on the streets. Actually, Suifenhe turns to you exactly by the profile of his "face" for whom you arrived . Are you here with a merchant goal? Please - here's a variety and projects of markets, shops, shoppots. Focus on high and beautiful? Please, Bath, in the ancient Buddhist temple, in a greenhouse, wander around the museum that does not occupy a lot, not a little - 1200 sq.m. and decorated in ancient Chinese traditions. If you arrived in these edges with a child, then settle down right in a unique forest park . This is the largest natural park in the province and his "highlight" in that the ax did not touch any tree here. Untouched wild landscape with curious animals and a rattle world, a couple of pure spring, a small, but beautiful waterfall, a natural reservoir with a miniature island, where you can catch fish in silence and rest and swim - what else is needed for happy family vacation? For tourists - hotel and restaurants. And in winter, the park turns into a good ski base with three descents of varying degrees of complexity. For lovers of modern, the center of modern technologies opened - a small butcohol building from glass and concrete with intriguing content. Especially here will be interested in kids of younger school and teenage age: in several halls - and virtual travel around the city, and the "smart" house of the future, and a virtual bookshelf, controlled remotely.

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As a minus, some tourists who visited here talk about some slope of public places, hotels. However, the phenomenon is inherent in many massively visited cities and is not at all everywhere. Pluses much more. For example, knowing the climatic features of Suifanhe, it is easy to choose a convenient time for a trip. For lovers of the mountain skiing, the best, of course, remains winter, and she is pretty tightening and very snowy. Raints All summer months, the rest are cloudless and sunny and comfortable for both shopping and walks. The city is modern, convenient for tourists, dynamically developing. The language barrier is not such a "strong", as, let's say, in the depths of the country, and the local population is very benevolently tuned to the Russians, which is also important for both business and a comfortable stay. No problem and food. In addition to granted Chinese restaurants and eateries a lot and promising institutions of traditional European cuisine. Moreover, the restaurant network "St. Petersburg" is actively functioning, we are honored by the beer restaurant "Hans", there are pizzerias, etc. But it is not recommended to have a snack of food purchased from street traders. However, this is also one of the general rules of travel abroad. The safety level of Suifanhe is approximately at the same level as in any small town of the world: it is worth being vigilant regarding the preservation of personal belongings and not to wander alone at night somewhere in Zakoleki.

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