Where to go with children in Ljubljana?


The capital of the beautiful European country of Slovenia is rarely considered by tourists as a resort, which is not sorry to spend the long-awaited vacation. And in vain. After all, in reality Ljubljana is an interesting, romantic city with an ancient castle on a hill, narrow streets, old mansions, shady parks and small coffee houses. She is not inferior to the famous Slovenian resorts, such as the horns Slatina, Bled or Thalasso Stunganyan. Quiet and cozy city perfectly fits into the frame of the resort, suitable for recreation with children. Here there is something to show small travelers and how to please them.

Ljubljana is erected on the residues of the Roman fortress and, accordingly, consists of the old part and the modern quarter. However, examining the city with children, it will be hard to notice the transition between new and old buildings. They are perfectly neighboring and thus create a unique architectural style of Ljubljana.

In order for Ljubljana to attract children, it is best to get acquainted with it to start with a visit to the Ljubljana Grad. First, you can get to town on a tourist train or in a clear cabin of the funicular. And this, of course, it will be like a small adventure, which will impress the children.

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Secondly, young tourists will certainly like the castle located on a high hill and hiding in its rooms beautiful vintage outfits - which will be interested in girls, and medieval weapons - what the boys will appreciate. Consider hail can be independently, but I would advise you to use the guide services. It is painfully interesting. Local guides are told about the lifestyle of the old Ljubljana and battles associated with the castle. Throughout the summer, theatrical ideas are held on the territory of Grad, participation in which entertaining active and inquisitive children.

For further inspection of the city, it will be necessary to relocate in its central part, the area formed by bridges. This part of Ljubljana is called - Tromostovye. At the area located here, three ancient bridges are found at once. In general, there are a lot of bridges in Ljubljana and each of them is decorated in a special way. One majestic bridge guard the discovered Dragons. And it is he who is considered one of the symbols of Ljubljana. Another bridge was chosen by the terrible bronze insects and through its partially transparent bottom of the currently visible on the bottom of the Lubljanitsa River. On the glass transition, a nicknamed bridge of butcher, children run without feasts, which will not say about some adult tourists. Some travelers look very funny when standing on the glass edge of the bridge, try to hang a memorable lock on the railing with one hand, while the second they strongly hold onto the fence.

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The city center will have to be inspected on foot, since it is a pedestrian zone. Children can safely run through the paved slanting streets without fear of cars. And when someone from the participants of the walk gets ridiculous or hungry, it will be possible to look at the nearest cafe or honey shop (Sladoled), where it turns out to eat meat pie or baked potatoes with cottage cheese, and order a delicious ice cream portion. Capricious children can be pampered with liver corn, which in the season is sold directly "from wheels" of small mobile trains.

With young children, there is a fun time in one of the city parks, but for older children will be interested to visit the Cathedral of St. Nicholas and the House of Experiments. Internally, the decoration of the cathedral will be interested in creative adolescents. Stunning painting on the walls and elegant sculptures of local masters are impressive of all visitors. As for the experiments' house located close to the dragon bridge, then in it, children will be able to meet the wonders of science and technology. For kids, spectacular and spectacular views with soap bubbles are arranged here, and schoolchildren are allowed to conduct physical, chemical and mathematical experiments. All the exhibits of the museum are allowed to touch their hands.

On a hot day, a hiking promenade on Ljubljana can be replaced with a watering river. Inspection of the city from the deck of the ship will be neither less exciting. The pleasuretry leaves from the bridge of the butcher and makes a tour of the river along the old city buildings and coastal monuments. Accompanies short-term swimming guide revealing tourists all the most interesting secrets of this Slovenian resort.

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Well, while resting in Ljubljana with children, it will not be possible to bypass the Party of Park Tivoli. This place is considered the most visited in the city. The shadows of the alleys and gazebos young tourists will not be interested, which cannot be said about the fountains, the playground and curious proteins. Such absolutely free entertainment can tighten the decor afternoon. The second half can be devoted to visiting the local zoo. Part of the animals in this forest park area is contained outside the cells. The most young visitors of the zoo attracts a children's courtyard with pets and incubator with chicks. Who will refuse to stroke the piglet or feed the goat. By the way, in the zoo you can watch the process of feeding pelicans, elephants and sea lions. And by visiting the zoo to one of the summer weekends, children will be able to take part in the "animal" quest. On the territory of the zoo there is a playground and several cafeterias. So by the end of the day, the full fatigue of small tourists is provided.

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  • As for the nutrition of small travelers, there are many cafes with a children's menu in Ljubljana. It is safe to feed a child to turn out even while visiting the Ljubljana market in the open sky. It sells not only souvenirs, but also gastronomic delicacies. Children like the figures from the dough (LET), freshly cried sweet patties (hibanitsa) and puff pastries with nuts (whitles).

A visit to the shopping and entertainment centers of the capital of Slovenia can pleasantly surprise the children and prevent a large surprise adults. Since the time settled on the shopping may have to spend on entertainment in the water park. At the same time, this probability exists during the visit to the BTC City Complex Complex. Atlantis water park is working on its territory with 16 pools and two slides with special effects. There is even a vitamin bar and a fast food restaurant. Agree, for children, such a pastime is much more interesting than making purchases.

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