Features of rest in Kotka


Tourists who are going to relax in any of the cities may interest the following questions - is it worth going to Kotka? What can you do? What is this city?

In my article I will try to give comprehensive answers to these questions.

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Where is Kotka and how to get to it

Kotka is a small (about fifty thousand people) the city in southern Finland. From the Russian border to which only about sixty kilometers (by car, this distance can be overcome maximum per hour).

You can get to Kotka on your car - it will be the most convenient for all this will be done through the peat point. Of course, before Finland as a whole, in particular, in particular, the easiest way to get in residents of the North-West Russia, but residents of other regions are also visited.

In addition, residents of St. Petersburg can visit Kotka as part of an organized tour - both on a large bus and on a minibus - there are one-day tours (usually start about 6, 6:30 in the morning and ends at 23:00) and Tours for a few days. Firms that are engaged in trips to Finland, a lot.

What can I see in Kotka

As I have already written above, which the town is small, but nevertheless and there you can find something to do. In my opinion, the best city is suitable for walks - there are many parks, although, of course, they are best walking in good weather. Parks in Kotka really a lot, there is a park in the city center, not far from the church, and the park located near the open sea, and the Park of Sculptures (there is a way to go, if you are interested in modern art), and a park, in which there is a real waterfall and Multiple ponds. Also, the city parks are equipped with children's playgrounds, and in some of them there are sports fields for adults, and tourists and residents of the city are enjoyable. In the summer, provided good weather, a picnic can be arranged on the grass in the park - a green lawn is very connected to this.

Those who are more interested in museums or exhibitions, it is worth considering that those museums that are in Kotka (and it is worth noting that they are a bit) are connected mainly with water and sea - apparently because the city is located on the seashore. There are two such museums - this is a Maretaraium - a large aquarium in which fish living in Finland - except the aquariums themselves, there are information about these fish - as they look, how many people live, where they live, etc.

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The second such museum is called Vellamo - it is rather not even a museum, but a maritime center - there you can get acquainted with the history of the navigation, learn how the sea influenced the lives of people who lived next to him and just learn more about this element.

There is a museum called the Imperial Cottage - this is a small wooden house in which the king Alexander III once rested with his wife - the house preserved an old furnishings, portraits of the imperial couple and much more.

Those who are interested in religion or simply by old buildings, perhaps paying attention to the church Kotka is the Church of Kyumi, the Church of St. Nicholas and the main church.

Shopping in Kotka

If you like shopping, then you will note that in which there are not so many shopping centers in which the choice of clothes / shoes there is quite specific - as a rule, clothing is not very elegant, but rather convenient - however, it all depends on your style. A good choice of clothing for children - there are good European firms, as well as for teenagers. Nevertheless, in which there are a number of stores that sell clothes from famous European brands - it's only worth considering that they are not very much, and they are not so big ones. This is Aleksi 13, Donna Clara Muotiliike boutique, selling Scandinavian brands' clothing and Halonen trading house, also offering fashionable clothes.

When it is worth going to Kotka

In principle, in principle, you can go at any time of the year - it all depends on your goals and desires. If you are going there in the winter, then perhaps you will be interested in the ski resort Wupeter, who is not committed from the city. There you can ride and on skiing, and on a snowboard. There are several lifts there, there are six descents in the park, three of which are equipped with lighting, so that they can be used in the dark time, as well as a separate San Track.

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If you go to which in the summer, it will not know that there is a bicycle park with a lot of tracks at the summer of the ski park. In addition, in the summer, fishing lovers usually go to Kotka, and just relaxing in nature.

Where to stay in Kotka

First, in which there are a number of hotels in which you can stay at any time of the year - hotels in different price categories - from low-cost motels, in which one - two nights are usually stopped to luxury 5 star hotels. At the same time, hotels are located both in the city and not far from it - if you arrived in Kotka by car, you can easily live in some quiet suburb.

Meanwhile, the hotel is not the only option for living in Kotka - you can also take off the cottage, the benefit of them there is also a lot - there are both small, calculated on two - three people and huge houses in which whole companies can stay.

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Thus, before which the inhabitants of St. Petersburg and the North-West region of our country, from St. Petersburg and the North-West region of our country, are easiest to get to Kotka - 5 hours from St. Petersburg (much depends on the time you spend on the border). Kotka is great for relaxing lovers in nature (Northern Nature, of course) - in the winter there can be skiing, sledding and snowboarding, and in the summer - by bike, go fishing or buying in Finnish bay. There are many parks in the city where you can take a walk. If you like a secluded holiday, in which you can remove the cottage in the place remote from other people.

In addition, there are several museums that you can visit.

Kotka is not suitable for those who love a variety of shopping - the city of small, shops are not so much, and the style of Finnish designers is not suitable for everyone. In addition, there will be boring lovers of stormy nightlife - there are not so many clubs and bars, and those that are not so big.

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