Best time to relax in Annapurna


It has long been known - the perfect vacation is not at all that all financial reserves and which passes by the fashionable ocean coast, and the one that embodies, finally, is your dreams. And dreams are different. For example, someone dresses the mountains all his life. And for such travelers is a large scope of choice in the earth's geography. One of the most attractive places for a long time, the mysterious Nepal remains. It is not surprising, because this country is rich in the highest mountain system of the planet - Himalayas. On the square in a million square kilometers, quite a few arrays and individual steep peaks were fitted. Among them are very popular, the mountain "Assembly", which is part of the same name of the National Park: Annapurna.

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The most interesting thing is that this mountain range remains very visited not only by mastitis climbers, which is not afraid of a rather high mortality statistics (not in vain Annapurna is still famous for both the most dangerous eight-thousandths), but also beginner conquerors of heights or general hiking lovers, since In these places there are also a lot of good safe trekking surrounded by lush nature. Actually, Annapurna is not a single mountain, but the collection of five vertices. On the crystal mountain air, the bizarre and rich mixing of vegetation from frost-resistant pines to the thermal-loving bananas, finally, can be said for a very long time, but this is exactly the case when it's better to see one's own eyes and breathe with your own lungs. And if the sea and ski resorts have some nuances, considering who get a full-fledged rest, then the mountain trekking also have. For instance, It is necessary to calculate the correct time of the year for a similar tour, especially if it is the first. Someone can decide that the best time for traveling to Annapurna will be summer But the inexorable heat and tedious rains will spoil the whole picture. Winter in these parts and is not only quite cold, but far is unsafe. But the remaining autumn and spring with this situation are the most. In October and November, it is good because it is not so hot, and the sky is clear and clean, it means that there is no fog or muddy curtain, which can spoil the beautiful surrounding kind of mountain ridge, will not. In March and April, a very pleasant plus is added: local apple trees and rhododendrons bloom with might and main.

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As for financial spending, the biggest amount will come, most likely, on the flight back. But when the sole of the Himalayan ridge, the very sole of the Himalayan range no longer have to spend even in a high season. A very extensive network of pedestrian routes towards Annapurna and other mountain arrays begins from one point - the city of Pokhara, located exactly here. The local area, rebuilt specifically for tourists on the shores of the magnificent Lake Fava, is named Lakesad and builds up with hotels of different star levels, but in any case they are all landscaped and very inexpensive. The invoice is only such a service as the Internet, and the accommodation itself rarely exceeds $ 15 per day even in autumn or spring. Prices in restaurants are considered European tourists quite acceptable, and the quality of food is the highest in all Nepal. Moving along the selected route, it is no longer necessary to count on urban conditions during the night, although the dilapidated tent or an earthen floor is also not a tourist, trekking take place through enough settlements where local residents willingly surrender neat rooms sometimes even with hot water and electricity. It costs this pleasure about three dollars per night. Often, with such refuges, there are own restaurants, where they are prepared very satisfying and tasty exclusively from fresh products, moreover - food is very much reminded by European and is relatively inexpensive. Given all the exotic and often Spartan moments of such a tour, it is hardly worth risking and take toddlers with you on a trip. But for older children, for example, adolescents the journey will be very informative and fascinating.

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