How to get to Tbilisi?


We looked at my trip to Georgia as a journey and an acquaintance with my husband's sides who live in Kutaisi. However, as it turned out, direct flights to this city are possible only from Ukraine, and from Russia the plane arrives at the airport of Tbilisi. Tickets ordered about a month and a half before departure via the Internet on one of the most popular and verified servers. The cost of the Moscow-Tbilisi ticket for a person costs about 14 thousand rubles in both directions. For a child under the age of three, made a discount. Already later, our friends ordered tickets about the same departures, their cost was significantly higher. As we traveled with the child, they chose a direct flight and spent about two and a half hours on the way. You can choose more budget options with one or more transfers. Of course, you can save money in the money, then the flight itself, taking into account such transfers in Minsk or even Istanbul, will take at least five hours. This is even at best. There were offers for departures in which the flight time, taking into account all stops, expectations were more and more than a day, and direct flight was actually entered the plane and came out.

The airline, the services of which we used are Georgian, and not state. This is Airsen. Nothing bad at the expense of this air carrier to tell me no, exclusively positive emotions. Airplane - Boeing, small in size with two rows of chairs. The interior is very positive due to multicolored head restraints.

How to get to Tbilisi? 17525_1

Comfortable, ergonomic chairs and very friendly staff. As for food, everything is as usual. There were dishes and drinks to choose from, coffee, tea and wine. Wine to the word is not very good, it is better to please yourself with natural Georgian wine that can be bought in Dutyphri or stores Tbilisi, Kutaisi, visit specialized wine stores.

Upon arrival in Tbilisi, there were no dedication with baggage and customs control, actually, as in Moscow. As everything went promptly.

The airport in Tbilisi is small, but very comfortable. How to go out of the main entrance, then pay attention to the original monument in the form of a black grape branch.

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This is a business card of Georgia - vine grape. Remember the fragment from the famous movie "Father Soldier"? When the tank wanted to drive around the grape garden, the old Georgian stopped him and said: - "This is a living." I apologize for not quite fax citation, but the essence was precisely in this.

From the airport we traveled by car, we were met, but I drew attention to a large number of taxi cars and taxi drivers offering our transportation services. Therefore, if you arrive yourself, you will not get to the city. Only the matter is in the cost, bargain. Either you can get a bus, but it will have to wait a bit. In the evening, buses do not go.

The city from the airport is not too far. When you approach the plane to Tbilisi, do not be lazy to make photos. Unique landscapes. We can see the mountain peaks, completely covered with snow, the landscape is replaced by the city where there is no snowflakes.

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Thanks to the air carrier for good service and efficiency. Very worried, learning that this is a commercial carrier, but apparently in vain. Back flew by the same airline and again no complaints to their work. Everything is also minor and working mode.

As for moving from the airport, then it is necessary to get used to the peculiarities of Georgian driving. We say that we have Russians, there is no driving culture, and here it seems to be no one. Overtaking in the opposite after five or six cars is an ordinary business. Look at something jerks. It is worth snaging and that means that you want to overtake a running car ahead and that should move away and it is on narrow roads. We thought by the end of the way to see. And then we still understood that from the side of Georgian drivers there is no respect for pedestrians. Moving according to the rules on the pedestrian crossing, we have repeatedly indicated so that we go faster, or rather overwhelmed. Even old people do not miss it and here it is respect for old age. Apparently it went to the past with that generation, which in Georgia in the earlier. The current youth otherwise interprets respect for old age. Yes, this, in fact, has become a bich of most of the youth in different countries.

On the road from the airport, keep the camera on the finished. You can see no one interesting and be sure to capture the memory of this old city with a unique story.

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