Intellectual rest in the homeland Beatles.


As a rule, we are trying to take a spouse in September, so as not to roast on the scorching sun or do not hide from the heat in the hotel room, enjoying the measuring buzz of the air conditioner.

It so happened that last summer the circumstances did not allow this to do this, the vacation was to have been in July. We decided not to go to hot stranges, but to visit England, you have long dreamed of. Running a little, Liverpool chose on the Internet. Deciding that they are still going to relax, but inherent in the metropolis of London, noise and bustle of us and their own enough.

Surprisingly, with a visa of a visa, there were no problems, although we took up this issue in advance, as you decided to fly on my own, without resorting to the services of travel agency, rightly judge that the place is exclusive and few people rushes there to count on a trip to the train Groups. Some inconvenience with this related, compensated by complete freedom of action.

The residence was chosen by Britannia Adelphi Hotel Liverpool. And it was not mistaken, the presence of a closed pool, allowed to swim in a pleasant water daily, because I didn't risk you in the cool sea. We didn't even look for the beaches. All two, flying like one moment, weeks went for walks in the city, museums and other attractions, including a football match. Not without shops, I was not alone.

Everything was interesting for us. And the image of the real, and not described in the books, which has developed from childhood, the lives of the British, and, who saw the wonderful architecture, as well as the story that opened his pages when museums visited. In memory there were impressions of the richest exhibits of the Museum of the Museum of Peace, brought from all over the planet, Liverpool and Sea Museums, and, of course, the famous gallery Volker. Of course, the first on this list was the Beatles Museum. Unfortunately, we simply did not have enough time to visit other world-famous vaults of human history.

Because, not admire the wonderful architecture of the Liverpool Town Hall or the Catholic Cathedral, I'm not talking about the buildings of the seaport or the famous railway station is simply impossible. There were in our journey and famous pubs, as well as many other interesting places. Rest managed. We did not regret it for a minute that they were not lying somewhere in the Turkish beach.

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