What excursions worth visiting in Side?


The resort city of Side is very located to a great holiday on the beach, as well as travels. The city itself has the so-called architectural echoes who have survived to this day, which are truly an open-air monuments. Therefore, if you are not inclined to long-range travel in Turkey, but still have an interest in the history of this country, then travel in Side and there yourself without the participation of guides to make yourself a route on the ancient ruins. Here you can see the amphitheater, go through the ancient gates, which were previously the central entrance to the city and through them were warriors-winners, will see the remains of the ancient temple of Apollo, which is right at the shores of the sea, will pass through the territory of the territory, which is literally sleeping by fragments of the past Buildings, bas-reliefs, sculptures. And for those who want to strengthen the impression it will be possible to spend the evening in the cafe, which is immediately near the temple of Apollo, the interior of which is decorated in an antique style.

For those who are not afraid to travel and want to see something impressive, I am very advised to make a tour in Cappadocya. This is the area of ​​the so-called Malaya Asia. Located in the depths of the resort zones of the Mediterranean coast and get there from Side about 8 hours by bus. As for the purchase of the tour, you can purchase such a hotel guide, or in any tourist firm of the city, saving about 10-15% of the cost. We have a two-day tour cost $ 80 for two, that is, 40 per person. If you take a tour of the hotel, then you must speak in the travel agency that you want to go only with Russian-speaking tourists. The fact is that our tourists for some reason are afraid to use third-party services, therefore, to gain a group only from Russian-speaking, it is very problematic and groups most often international. We are in this and fell away, but after some explanations with the management of the company, we - four tourists from Russia provided an individual Russian-speaking guide. Called him Ramis. A young guy who is the whole tour only and entertained us with something, but not what the tour itself concerned. Therefore, I drew all the information from the material, which was narrated by the heading of the Turks in English for a group of tourists from Serbia, Germany, England.

As I already said, I had to go eight hours. But after the heat already bored in a few days on the coast, we got at all in a different area with an excellent climate, which was well breathing and imagined freshness.

What is so attractive Cappadocia. This locality is called the Fay Country. And in fact, falling here, it seems that you are on some other planet, well, not at all ordinary landscape and terrain. The Cappadocia region consists of cone-shaped cliffs from tuff.

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It is in these rocks that many millennia ago are Christians who are driven by Muslims and created their settlements. Tuf - the breed is soft, so it was easier to knock out at home right in the rocks, and not to build new ones. Muslims who lived in the surrounding area did not know about their stay in the area of ​​people. When Christians lit besters in the houses, the smoke came from above. That may, therefore, called Cappadocyia Fay's country. Smoke from the fire and still fire and created the image of some mysterious fairies. From above, many cone-shaped mountains have a cap, and it is from a more durable rock. Externally, these mountains resemble stone mushrooms, which as if rose from the ground. Fantastic look. Here you can make films fiction, which is, in fact, and some famous directors did.

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Within the framework of the tour, there is an inspection of several places of Cappadocia. This is a hemer, Urguype and Derinka. In the hemer, the famous Christian temples will be shown, which are also carved in the mountains. There, the walls are preserved the murals performed by natural paints. Therefore, red, orange and blue colors dominate.

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Faces of many saints loss of stone. It made Muslims who later visited Cappadocia. According to Muslim laws, it was impossible to depict people. Immediately you can see the life of local residents. Yes, Local. Many people live in the herah and are not going to move from here. Housing will be shown, see how people live. You will be offered to buy so-called Thundest Mades - mats, dishes, scarves. It is necessary to live something, so they earn at tourists. In general, it is very interesting to be in such a terrain.

In Urgüpe, you will also continue to inspect the once former residential neighborhoods. There are whole cities with their streets and alleys. The houses were not single-storey, but were the altitude in several floors. They will give the opportunity to climb, look, swell. Cognitive excursion.

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Derinka will be shown the underground city. Not all the Christians were hiding in the mountains, many of them lived in the underground cities in the underground cities. Scientists started at least 13 floors going down, but tourists are allowed to a maximum of five. Moreover, you will often go to a semi-bent position in narrow passages. You feel some kind of mole. Who has claustrophobia, I do not advise you to go down to the dungeon. It is necessary to go strictly behind the guide. Many branches and you can easily get lost. In general, somehow was alone in this twilight. And people lived here all their lives and many of them did not see sunlight at all.

Star three stars at night. Our guide led us to the Turkish evening. There were dancing belly, dervish. Tourists also did not disregard, inviting together in dancers to take part in the show. She passed such a Turkish evening in a restaurant, carved also in the rock.

At the end of the tour, we were still brought to the valley with rocks, each of whom outwardly resembled either some bird or animal.

Despite the duration of the tour, some fatigue, everything really liked and remembered. An exciting spectacle this capadokia. Therefore, if you are attracted by travel, I really recommend visiting this area. Not all tourists are resolved for this trip, but in vain.

There are quite a few tours from Side. Their list is in principle of the same type, if we consider other resort towns. Among the particularly fascinating tours in the Demrem-Kekov to the homeland of St. Nicholas, Pammukhale to the so-called cotton castle, Alanya with her beautiful fortress, named after the queen Cleopatra. Many tours and active tourists - rafting, diving, jeep safari and others. Actually, there is a choice for every taste.

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