What is worth looking at Male Atolls?


Mysterious Maldives for an ordinary traveler are a big mystery. Atolls with unusual names, including dozens of islands, attract tourists from around the world. On some islands prefer to relax exclusively Italians, and the most popular atolls chose tourists from Europe and Russia. Many travelers prefer to stop at the Tourist and Economic Center Maldives on the Male Atoll. And it is not surprising, because this atoll is the busiest and both of its parts (Northern Male and South Male) oriented to tourist needs. A feature of both halves of Atoll Male is also the fact that travelers can not only actively spend time by diving, fishing or passive lying under warm sunlight, but also have the opportunity to explore the sights and get acquainted with rare monuments.

The cultural pearl of this atoll is the capital is the capital of Male. It is in this city that you can walk in two o'clock, the most interesting sights of the whole country are concentrated. On the island you can see the following remarkable monuments and interesting places:

National Museum

It is a three-story colonial building building located on the territory of the palace wing of the Sultan Park. The museum contains exhibits related to the Sultan himself, attempts by the state coup and archaeological excavations.

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A bright impression produces an internal design of the building - walls with engraved passages from the Quran. The first floor of the museum is assigned under the exposition of the Islamic period. Spears, daggers, coins, as well as artifacts found during the excavations are exhibited on visits. Rising to the second floor, tourists will see the Lays of traditional Dhon boats and a collection of musical instruments. The top floor of the museum occupy things belonging to the six generations of the reign dynasty - royal costumes and umbrellas, furniture, decorations, coins and prints. But the main exhibits of this place are the coral block with the image of the Goddess Lakshmi, the petrified coral head of the Buddha and the solemn outfit of Sultan, woven in the XVI century. A visit to the museum, which, by the way, will take no more than an hour from tourists, allows you to get acquainted with the centuries-old rich history of Maldives.

Find the National Museum you can have forged gates on Lili Magu Street. It works this place from Sunday to Thursday from 9:00 to 17:00. Entrance tickets are sold at the box office only until 16:00. The cost of visiting the museum for adult tourists is 50 Rufi, children can inspect the exposition for 15 rugs. By the way, for locals, tickets are cheaper. And also, a visit to the museum can be combined with a walk by Sultansky Park . Previously, this green corner was wonderful gardens, from which only a particle of former luxury remained. Nevertheless, on the territory of the park, tourists will be able to admire the eccentric ficuses, water lilies, wild orchids and various fragrant flowers. And it is not necessary to bypass the oldest tree of the park. Local residents are sincerely believe that a 100-year-old plant fulfills a desire. According to them, it is enough to whisper his wishes to the trunk and it will be sooner or later. It is impressed by tourists and a park fountain in the form of a modern sculpture. It is installed on a small round area in front of the entrance to the park.

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A little to translate the spirit will be possible on the beads scattered around the park and, by taking the strength to go to learn the remaining sights of Male. A walk through the Sultansky Park is possible from 8 am to 3 pm on any day except Friday.

Islamic Center

Walking towards the Central Pier, tourists will open on the main architectural landmark of the Male - Islamic Center. His snow-white mosque with a gold-plated dome is best to visit a guide or a native resident who will tell you how to behave correctly inside the Islamic Center.

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The Maldives are very serious about this architectural monument, first of all, considering it a place for prayers, and then a tourist object. You can inspect the Islamic center from within the shoes, but for visiting the mosque travelers will have to go. To admire the interior of the religious place is allowed in the closing leg and shoulders clothes, and the female half of the tourists should also be with a covered head. The inner decoration of the mosque is rich enough. It is decorated with elegant wooden panels, skilled carvings on stone and Arabic calligraphy.

You can see the Islamic center from 9:00 to 17:00 on any day of the week except the period when Namaz passes. Entrance to the mosque is free for everyone.

Presidential palace

The next sight of travelers will find on Orcide Magu Street. The beautiful white and blue building of the presidential palace will be considered just outside.

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From unwanted visitors, a luxurious house protects the high fence and iron gates. Several times the palace was opened for visitors, but the permanent schedule of work at this attraction, unfortunately, no.

Mosque of Great Friday

It is impossible to leave this oldest monument to Male. Make a gray structure of the mosque looks unsightly, and only coming closer, it will be possible to consider the jewelry work of the builders. The mosque is made of coral blocks interconnected without a single nail and a gram of a solution. The outer decoration of the mosque is the carved Arab writers, and the doors and frames of the building are made of mahogany and gold tick. Next to the mosque is the White-Blue Minaret Munnaar, who resembles a lighthouse with his form, and the ancient burial of Sultanov, whose tombstones are also made of corals.

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You can get inside the Friday mosque exclusively accompanied by the Maldives Guide. For non-Muslim tourists, this most important attraction is considered closed. However, approaching clothes and prompt accompanying will help travelers see this an ancient monument from the inside. The interior of the mosque decorate carved elements and embossed stone tiles. Inside a squat building looks much more impressive.

Located a Mosque of the Great Friday on Medhisoir Magu Street.

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