When is it better to rest on Karon Beach?


One of the main issues when planning recreation is when to go to a particular place? I believe that most tourists are familiar with such concepts as the season and non-season (especially in tropical countries). The season is understood solar dry weather, the temperature usually does not exceed 35 degrees. This is the perfect time for a beach holiday - the sea is quite calm, the air temperature is high, and the precipitation does not happen or they are extremely rare.

And, on the contrary, it is characterized by frequent or permanent rains, strong wind and high waves on the sea, making swimming almost impossible. In some countries and places, in particular, there is also a very high temperature and a stuff that is also characteristic of the Phuket, which also makes the rest less comfortable.

Season on Karon Beach

It is believed that the season on the caron begins from November (or from the second half of half), reaches his peak during the winter months (from December to February) and gradually begins to end in March.

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In November, the precipitation in the caron stops, rainy days are becoming less and less (on average no more than 12 days per month - and then the rain, as a rule, is not all day), the sun becomes more and more, and prices gradually grow up. Also increases the number of vacationers. November is considered the beginning of the high season on Phuket.


In December, rainy days is becoming even less (no more than a week), and the sun shines almost constantly. Vacationers becomes even more and prices are becoming a little higher (although they reach their peak for the period of New Year holidays).

January February

These months on Phuket you are waiting for maximum prices and a huge number of tourists - it can happen that it will be difficult for you to find a place for yourself on some beaches - especially many people happen, for example, on Patong and Kata-Beach. Above the total price during the New Year holidays in Russia and, of course, at this time there are most of our compatriots.

If you like the sun, the calm sea and beach holidays - you can advise you to go to Phuket in a high season - best of all from December to February - so you minimize the risk of bad weather and enjoy the sun and the beach. In high season, also good to visit the island with children. All nearby islands are open in high season - this is the famous Similans, and Phi Phi, and a coral island, Racha - Yai, Thača and others. Of the minuses - the price will increase significantly and you will share all the pleasures with a huge crowd of other tourists.

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May - October.

Since May October, the so-called low season begins on the whole island. The number of waiting days gradually increases and reaches its maximum in June - July (more than two rainy weeks per month). There are very frequent storms on the sea, so it becomes simply dangerous - you can carry waves or underwater flow. In these months, surf lovers come to Karon - the waves are very big, which allows them to ride in their pleasure. For them are special surfing competitions. Another plus - tourists everywhere becomes much smaller - both on the beaches, and in hotels, and in other tourist destinations. Prices for these months are also significantly reduced - the lowest prices can be found in July - August.

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In my opinion, it is worthwhile to ride those who just want to relax from the fuss, swim in the hotel pool, go to the massage (the benefit of massage salons are open), try Thai cuisine and visit any excursions (by the way, it is worth noting That trips to some islands in the Neson are closed - after all, in the storm, go to the boat is completely unsafe).

Personal Experience - November

And finally, I will describe my personal experience. I was on Phuket from 2 to 16 November, that is, at the very beginning of the high season.

For two weeks of staying on the island, the rain was three - four times. Once the rain was all over the rain all day - he began near the o'clock of the day (very strong, we even had to go from the beach), it was already over for about seven in the evening when it was completely dark.

In other cases, the rain was not more than half an hour - forty minutes, so it was possible to wait directly on the beach or back there later. A couple of times the rain walked in the evening, but it didn't bother us at night - in the evening we sat in a cafe or were in a massage salon. The only thing - with you it was necessary to take an umbrella (they are in rooms in most hotels), if, of course, you would not want to smear to the thread.

In addition, we got into cloudy weather several times - the sun was shining in the morning, closer to the dinner the sky tightened the clouds and then it remained gray to the evening. It didn't prevent us too - for us the main thing - so that it was dry and you could swim.

Fully solar was about a week - that is, those days when the sun shone from the morning before the navigation (and it was possible to observe the sunset).

I will bring a small result: We spent the week on the beach, enjoying the sun, two more - three days got cloudy - we were also on the beach, but without a sun, on the rest of the days we hid a couple of times from the rain under the umbrella, and one day was forced to spend At the hotel, only reaping a couple of times in the morning.

The air temperature ranged from about 26 to 32 degrees, it seemed to us very comfortable for a beach holiday. Water in the sea was warm, several times were waves (I would say that the average strength - those who knew how to swim well, jumped in the waves, those who were afraid - sat in shallow water). The rest of the time on the sea was a calm.

Holidaymakers on the beach was already enough - there were always a place in Croon, people were located in some distance from each other (at least in the part of the beach, in which we rested - closer to Kata-bic), but there were so many people that was sometimes problematic even to find a place for her litter.

Prices for November were more - less acceptable - not to call them low, but not as high as, for example, in January - we watched the same number in the same hotel that we had - the price rose by about 30 percent, and Then, on all 50. In general, the beach holidays on Karon Beach in November we stayed quite satisfied, the weather did not let us down, we bathed a lot and tanned well.

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