What is worth viewing in Moscow? The most interesting places.


The estate "Vellaner-Kuzminki", which once belonged to the family of Golitsyn princes, is now in the city's city center. However, this place was not always considered one of the most popular Moscow parks. It all started with the fact that Peter I complained to his favorite Gregory Stroganov for the faithful service of the local land. But the construction of the garden-park ensemble began in the sons of Grigory Dmitrievich.

You can get to the estate "Velvernskoy Kuzminki" without any problems - you first need to get to the metro station "Volzhskaya" or "Kuzminki" and there you will see the gate with a bright sign of the manor name. You will need to walk along the asphalt track about ten minutes and fifteen and then you will have a set of manor buildings.

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First of all, you will notice the majestic building of the equestrian yard, which was built in 1805. To date, it is probably one of the most famous buildings in Kuzminakh. The equestrian yard consists of a stable, two residential outbuildings and several sheds in which they were carriages. With the help of a common fence, all these buildings are combined into a single composition, in the center of which is the music pavilion.

It is noteworthy that this musical pavilion is decorated with the sculptures of horses of the famous sculptor Klodt, exactly repeating those that are at the Anichkov Bridge of the Torthy St. Petersburg. They were performed on the mockups of the sculptor himself and, as well as them to gather from the northern capital, cast on the plants of Golitsin. Nowadays, all these buildings are fully functional - various concerts are held on the steps of the pavilion on weekends and holidays, well, and on the territory of the equestrian yard, an equestrian sports school works accordingly.

Before you go to the bridge through the dam, go back a little back and there in the depths of the trees you will notice the poultry kicked among the trees. The bird yard was in the estate since 1765 and was built specifically for the content of exclusively ornamental birds. Until the middle of the twentieth century, this building was in a terrible state, since it was given under residential premises and was rebuilt substantially. And only in 2008, to the celebration of the six hundred dollars of the princes of Golitsyn, it was completely renovated in accordance with the initial project.

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Next, you will need to go over the bridge through the dam and there you will still see a very elegant structure - a milling outline or "house on the dam". This building, as if the separating the upper and lower Kuzminsky ponds, was built in the fortieth years of the nineteenth century on the mill mill. By the way, all this terrain received its name from the old mill Kuzminka, who was at this place. Well, in turn, they were named by the melnik Kozma, which built it.

After you inspect the milling outhouse, you will need to go deep into the manor and the elegant and magnificent front courtyard will open. With the right of you, the part of the openwork lattice of the cast-iron gate under the protection of mythical griffins will be the Lord, as well as Western and East Flygeli. Directly from the gate to the estate, an exquisite entry bridge was stretched, decorated with candelabra lanterns. Well, a little further is a kitchen or an Egyptian pavilion.

All this magnificent planning was designed by the wonderful Architect of Ethos in 1804-1808. Unfortunately, the genuine building of the Lord's house was not preserved to this day, because it was destroyed by fire back in 1916. At this very place was built a completely different building and on the project of another architect.

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The kitchen building is also in a very poor condition, although it is a real monument to the architectural art of ampir style. His difference from such structures, it is that strict in principle, an ampyr framework here is generously diluted with ancient Egyptian motifs. Hence, his second name went - the Egyptian pavilion.

Moving further you will reach the most significant structure of the estate - the temple of the Varnian icon of the Mother of God. This is not the first building in this place, because before there was a wooden church, built in more than strognery and consecrated in honor of the family icon. It was from her who went the name of the estate - Vellaner.

It is literally opposite the church there is a soap or bathhouse. And near him you will see a completely new building, open here in 2008 in commemoration of the holiday on July 8 - the bench of love and loyalty.

Then you will need to return to the ponds and inspect the grottoes that are present in almost every ampur park. And then walking along the shore of the Upper Kuzminsky Pond, you will come to the famous lion's pier. Her photos can be seen in almost all the works dedicated to this manor.

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Well, and then you will stay near the dilapidated building of the orange greenhouse, inspect the Slobodka complex and at its serving filtiel to visit a very interesting museum of "Russian manor culture", which is one of the branch of the Moscow History Museum. During a walk through the park, you will be able to notice the directory courtyard, the literary museum of Constantine Poist and the museum and educational center of beekeeping with its famous bee monument to the Kuze.

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