Excursions to Karon Beach: What to see?


Karon Beach is one of the most famous and popular beaches of Phuket beaches, which is closer to the southern part of the island. Those who would like to dilute their beach holidays to excursions may be interested to find out which travel agencies are on the caron and what excursions they can be ordered.

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Travel agencies

On the caron there is a number of travel agencies, among them there are both Russian-speaking and English-speaking. Since we wanted to listen to an excursion in Russian, the English-language options we did not consider (although there were a great set). From Russian travel agencies, we began to look closely to two - Matryoshka (it is closer to Ring Karon) and Marusya Travel (She, on the contrary, is closer to Kata Beach, in fact, on the border with him, but there is another office on the caron - near the Phuket Orchid Hotel). We have a prerequisite for us to have the site, because even before the trip we wanted to get acquainted with the variants of various excursions and approximately estimate. As a result, our choice fell on Marusya Travel - I liked the site more, and from our hotel there was closer and more convenient.

Marusya Travel

As I wrote above, to order excursions, we chose Marusya Travel (we went to that office, which is located next to the Kata Beach, although the representative office of their company is in Crawn). The office is small, but quite pleasant, air conditioning works, so there is nothing there. In the office, you are met by one or two Russian-speaking girls who first give you a sheet with names and the cost of all possible excursions, and then answer your specific questions. We went to the office always in the evening, after dinner (I didn't want to spend time at the time), there were a few people there, a maximum of a couple of people, so I didn't have to wait long. I slightly run forward, I note that Marusya Travel fulfilled all his obligations, although one unpleasant moment was still.

Excursion options

A set of excursions in all standard travel agencies, although prices may differ slightly. I would divide the basic proposed excursions to several groups:
  • marine

These are excursions to various islands (and next to Phuket there are quite a lot of them), mostly on the most famous - Phi-Fi, Similana, Coral Island, Racha Yai and others. There are both day excursions (leaving usually quite early in the morning, returning in the evening) and two - three-day options (with the night on the island). During the excursion, you stop in different parts of the island (islands), there are inspecting nature, maybe animals (in some places there are monkeys), swimming and go on.

  • land

These are mainly excursions to reserves. There are two most popular options - Kao Varnish National Park and Kao Juice. The cost of the trip includes various entertainment - as a rule, it is riding an elephant, on bamboo rafts, lunch, inspection of the temple, a small zoo, and so on.

  • Extreme

This includes entertainment such as rafting, Jeep Safari, a rope park (it seems he is called the flight of Gibbon - the essence is that you fly in the jungle on the cable road) and so on.

  • Various shows

Here you will be offered to visit different show Phuket - among them there are options for the whole family - fantasy or Siam Niramite - the story about the history of Thailand - Thai dressed in national costumes will sing, dance, talking about the most important milestones in the history of this country. The show also uses pyrotechnics and animals are involved - elephants, tigers, buffalo and pigeons and acrobats. There are also shows of transvestites - the most famous of them is the Aphrodite show - you can look at the dances performed by not quite ordinary dancers, as well as a sex show that can only be accessed by the achievement of 18 years.

And finally, I will briefly tell you about one excursion to which we traveled.

Phi -phi (one-day)

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From sea excursions, we chose a day trip to Phi Phi Islands, as we heard a lot about them and wanted to visit there. We did not want to collect things and spend the night in another hotel, so we chose a trip for one day. In travel agency, we paid the full cost, we were given a voucher, where it was written that about 8 am we need to be at the reception desk. Approximately 8 from the hotel took us a minibus that took us to the pier, where our boat was from. We drove to the pier for about an hour, and there was another half hour of free time - tea / coffee was provided free, as well as pills from the pointing. For an additional fee (200 baht per person), it was possible to rent flippers.

Thus, about half of the eleventh, our boat was supposed to go with a pier on Phi Phi. Here, in fact, he began the unpleasant moment about which I mentioned earlier. If you briefly, then at the exit from the port, we broke two boats (they gradually stopped working motors). When it happened with the first boat, people were not very indignant, but when we broke and the second boat was broken, people were very angry - do not forget that there was a time to return, transfer to another boat, start going back and go back again (And all this under the scorching sun). As a result, in a couple of hours, the third boat was still taking us to Phi - Phi.

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The program was such - visiting the beach with wild monkeys (to leave the boat was categorically prohibited, because monkeys are the pedestals of all sorts of diseases) - pretty funny, monkeys threw food, they sailed in the sea, fought, ran apart from each other, visiting one of Phi-FCI islands with a stop for lunch (food is not very much, but a sufficiently tasty - salad, rice, chicken, watermelon, drinks). Then the famous Maya Bay bay is waiting for you, where the film "Beach" was filmed. Here I have only negative impressions - the boat rises somewhere 100 meters from the coast, and you need to go to the shore - all the bottom is sharp stones, so everyone goes in the sneakers, constantly stumble, some of the people fall, and the electronics are you Pack in plastic bags carefully provided by the travel agency. The only plus - yes, there is really beautiful, but when you balancing, so as not to fall, trying not to drown your things, and the stones are dug into your feet - you don't really want to admire the beauties. Then it was swimming with a mask among tropical fish (I liked it very much) and one and a half hours on a tropical island (swimming with flops and mask) - not bad, but nothing special. In conclusion, I note that as an apology for the breakdown of the travel agency, a small part of money returned a small part of the money - 300 baht each tourist and freely presented photos from the port in a beautiful frame.

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