Holidays on Karon Beach: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer.


If you did not solve the services of a travel agencies to travel to Phuket, which turned on the flight to your turpake, then, for sure, the question is concerned - how to get to Phuket? What airline will take advantage of? How much do you fly there? What time will it cost?

All these questions I will try to highlight in my article, as well as share the personal experience of the flight to Phuket. It will be about the flight to Phuket from Moscow.

Holidays on Karon Beach: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer. 17461_1

Moscow - Phuket.

From Moscow to Phuket, you can fly by different airlines. At first I will list some possible options, and then tell about my personal experience.

So, without transfers from Moscow to Phuket, you can fly the airline Transaero. The flight Un 527 departs from Domodedovo Airport in the evening, and in nine and a half hours it lands on Phuket. Reverse flight Un 572 flies from Phuket during the day, and in the evening arrives in Moscow (for some reason already at Vnukovo Airport). The advantages of such a trip are obvious - he is direct, you will not have to transplane the other flight and worry during the docking time. Nine o'clock and you are already on Phuket. Transaero Airline itself has good reviews from tourists. The price of a ticket is 38 thousand rubles (I specify the price at the time of writing the article - when buying in the coming days).

Another foreign futsal flight offers Utair. The time on the way will be about 9 hours, the flight departs from the Moscow Domodedovo Airport late in the evening and arrives at Phuket during the day, the reverse flight will fly away from Phuket with the evening to land in Moscow. Unfortunately, many reviews about Utair Negative, this airline is often frequent of long-lasting flight delays, however, as you understand perfectly, once at times you do not have - perhaps your flight will be held without complaints. The price of a ticket is about 40 thousand rubles (there - back, of course).

And finally, you can get from Moscow to Phuket with transfers - here the variants are a great set. We, read a lot of positive reviews about the National Thai carrier - Thai Airways , I decided to fly by this airline, especially since we were perfect for departure days. We live in St. Petersburg, but you decided to fly through Moscow - it turned out more profitable. Tickets We booked on the official website of Thai Airways, it can be easily found through any search engine, it is translated into Russian.

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What I liked - the booking system is made quite conveniently, everything is clear, when booking you can choose the type of food (if you need vegetarian food or, for example, a dish with a reduced content of calories - everything is there) and places (although there is now information on the site that in the case of transfer of departure time or some more unforeseen circumstances, the distribution of places can be removed, and the space for you will choose an automatic seating system). We paid the card, took the tickets for the stock - only 23 thousand per person (we ordered them for November 2014). We flew on the next route - Moscow - Bangkok - Phuket. A day before the departure, representatives of the airline called us and reported that the departure was postponed for an hour (an hour earlier) and asked us to come to the airport in advance, since on holidays (November 1) there is a big influx of the people.

The departure from us was from Domodedovo, the airport did not really like it, the small, extremely few stores, nothing to do - and we had to spend a couple of hours - from St. Petersburg we flew in advance. Registration went fast, passed the luggage, we will receive it, as we were told, already in Phuket.

What can I say about the aircraft itself - he, of course, is not quite new, but you won't call it - there is purely, the chairs are cheerful - multicolored, the places between the seats in principle is enough - not too much, of course, but not enough Each passenger has an individual screen where it can listen to music, watch movies or play games. Stewardles are dressed in national costumes, quite friendly, speak well in English - everything is clear. Before Bangkok, we flew about nine hours (as it was stated), the flight was held in a calm mode, during the flight we ate (the food was not bad, rather delicious than not, but nothing special).

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With us lasted in our hour and a half hours, we passed passport control there exactly there, but in principle, reconciling, the airport staff showed where we go, and people who are completely fallen on the flight were brought along the airport on the electrocracy.

Flight Bangkok - Phuket lasted only an hour with a little, everything was quick and calm. The surprise was waiting for us on arrival - from part of the flight, including our luggage. Instead of going to the hotel, we were forced one and a half hours to stand in line at the Lost and Found Rack (that is, the search for luggage). By the way, the baggage was brought to the hotel only the next morning. Perhaps this was the biggest minus of this airline.

The reverse flight also did not cost without surprises - the baggage was not lost this time, but the flight Phuket was detained - Bangkok already for two hours, so we landed 10 minutes before the departure of our next aircraft. In fairness, I note that they apologized for it and released free of charge to everyone drinks. Since most of the flight has transplanted to the flight to Moscow, the plane for us, of course, was detained, but we had to run to him a bodry trot - everywhere there were employees of the airline, which were asked (in English, of course) - flight to Moscow? Hurry up, go faster. As you can guess, I did not go about any visits to shops. Luggage, however, this time did not lose - managed to overload, although we have transplanted from the strength of 40 - 50 minutes.

In general, the impressions of the Thai Airways I have ambiguous - if it were not for loss of baggage, I would recommend this airline - a good aircraft, good service, polite flight attendants, speaking good English - all this can be written in Plus. But we absolutely did not like the loss of baggage - instead of going to sit in a cafe or walk to the sea in the evening, we were forced to buy clothes in the shops of incomprehensible quality in the shops - if only it was what was the first evening.

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