Where is best to stay in Buenos Aires?


My husband and I stopped at Buenos Aires for just one night, but we were enough to remember where to go exactly no longer needed. Personally, I am now in this wonderful town now even under torture not to force. It turned out that we had a long flight from Ushuayia to Moscow, with many transfers, one of which was just the longest (one day) in the capital of Argentina. So, let's begin. First, you do not need to think that if you book a hotel on the Internet, then you have a not killing a guarantee that the quality of service will be at the highest level. Immediately I can say that such thoughts need to throw out of the head, otherwise you will be very disappointed, however, as it happened with my husband. Secondly, if you book a hotel in the center of the capital, this also does not give you absolutely no guarantee for anything, because all hotels in Buenos Aires are about one level. Above the "one star" exactly does not shine to you, and one star says about the presence of a toilet and soul.

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Now I would like to tell directly about our experience. The night slowly descended the night, the young people woke up and began songs-dance on the streets of the city, with alcohol and not only .. Our plane landed after the sunset and we also took a taxi with the most wonderful thoughts and expectations and went to search for our booking hotel. By the way, I will say that our choice fell on the most budget version of all offered. It was explained by this banal - only one night, we would only put a head on the pillow, sleep a couple of hours literally and continuously go, watch beauty and rejoice that we will soon be in rainy Moscow. But not so simple.

The closer we approached our area, the more excitement defeated me. The streets seemed to be narrowed, the lanterns were deliberately gasli to scare even stronger. At some point I was ready to return to the airport, because I began to realize that the further - the more worse than anything else. By the way, if at that moment we returned to the airport, we could have been able to spend in humanity. There was pure and warm enough on the second floor, it was possible to drink coffee, there was a normal human toilet. In the meantime, we were getting closer to our "paradise" ...

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The taxi driver stopped near one of the shaded old houses, which in the city most. In general, the whole city looked like after the bombing, but about that another time. We paid at the road and began to knock hardly, trying to attract attention in every way. No one hurried to meet us. As a result, a few minutes later, when we were already going to find alternative solutions, we opened the door. Mets on the threshold, a dealer children, 16 years 16, height two meters, no less. He gave us the keys to the "number" and held us on a very narrow corridor. Our bedroom resembled a cell for hamsters. The windows were lattices, there was not even a hint of curtains or tulle. On the sides of the walls stood in several floors the most real metal naps! As you already guessed, my husband and I slept on different beds. Bed linen, if this could be called, was dirty, not distilled, lay in crumpled lumps under the bed. The light was not buried at the hotel in general nowhere. The toilet was common to all visitors of this fabulous place, he was on the street. The door was not closed there, however, as in the bathroom. Among the night, of course I wanted to the toilet, I got up, I had to wake up my husband, so that he would have turned me, while I was engaged in an important thing. When I left the rest room, I did not find a husband on the place where he promised to stand. But it ran into the corridor while I was looking for a spouse, with a man half-tissue, who obviously went to our shared toilet)) The courtyard is right. My husband I discovered near the Great Trees, they discussed beautiful places where you can go in this magic city. I ran to them in a state close to the hysterics, frightened and frozen. Because heaters were not, and the temperature at night was there, as in the summer at night in not the warst cities of Russia.

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In the morning, it was naturally no strength, no desire to go through the sights. We just went to the airport immediately and there spend the rest of the day. So you can spoil myself all the impression of the city, just because the hotel is chosen wrong. Be careful, pay attention not to the little things when choosing housing. Do not save, even if you have to spend the night of only one night.

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