Rest with a child in Tarkhankut: for and against


Tarkhankut definitely deserves the attention of travelers. This is one of the attractions of the Crimea, which legends go. Going on vacation by car It is worth planning at least a couple of days to visit this reserve.

Rest with a child in Tarkhankut: for and against 17435_1

Distance from settlements with developed infrastructure involves the presence of a car. Traveling in Tarkhankut on foot or for example on the bus will not work, this is a reserve with a large territory. Steppe, cliffs, sea, sun, herds of wild horses (they rarely found, but still there).

Rest with a child in Tarkhankut: for and against 17435_2

Rest with a child in Tarkhankut: for and against 17435_3

Why is this place popular and is it possible to relax with children here? Of course, first of all, Tarkhankut is interesting for divers, underwater hunters and freedivers. Popularity is due to several factors. First, the unusual relief of the bottom is interesting for everyone who is fond of underwater sports, secondly, Tarkhankut is famous for transparent turquoise water, which allows you to dive with pleasure. Thirdly, for those who have a well mastered the dive skills have some interesting "dive sites".

One of them is known as the "Alley of Monuments".

Rest with a child in Tarkhankut: for and against 17435_4

Rest with a child in Tarkhankut: for and against 17435_5

Rest with a child in Tarkhankut: for and against 17435_6

Rest with a child in Tarkhankut: for and against 17435_7

Divers from Soviet times create this alley of sculptural structures. Initially, the theme was quite narrow: the busts of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Dzerzhinsky and other outstanding figures of the Soviet era were immersed exclusively. Later, a new trend appeared: a mini-copy of various architectural monuments from around the world began to add on the alley - Egyptian pyramids, Tower Bridge, Tutankhomon, etc.

The specifics of the rest is: along the coast from April to September, several organized diversional tent camps are located, you can stay in any of them. Tent camps are well equipped, there, as a rule there is a field kitchen, a toilet, refrigerators for storing products, fresh water supply, a station of refueling cylinders, several doctors.

Naturally, it is desirable to have a marching minimum: a tent, rugs, sleeping bags, a bowler, a kettle, a thermos.

Children in such conditions can certainly rest, but according to my observations, the children of senior school age feel most comfortable.

The fact is that gentle descents to water there simply do not. For kids, the descent on the path in the rock is not available. Schoolchildren can supervise adults (and with their help will descend, observing safety equipment).

For those who decide to go with a child to Tarkhankut, it is important to remember that this place is not intended for swimming and not equipped accordingly. With kids, it is better to look at all the beauty from above and go to the nearby settlements to gentle safe sandy beaches.

In relative proximity, there are settlements of Maryino, Olenevka and others. There is all the necessary infrastructure: shops, private hotels, medplexes, entertainment facilities, cafes, restaurants. Most often, private hotels offer to their guests not only accommodation, but also other services: full-fledged domestic food, excursions on local attractions, diving, surfing, equipment rental.

For high school students, accompanied by parents, immersion on Tarkhankut can become an exciting adventure, but it is better to have an individual, carefully selected equipment set. Divers in tent camps are usually very responsive and without much difficulty will help you choose a rolling outfit for free, but the serviceability of equipment, the size of the size is the security of your child and is better of course to have an individual set of necessary things.

With dives on the trachhankut, safety should be paid special attention. Suddenly, the sealed sea may change from a gentle turquoise stroit to raging waves in a few minutes, and in close proximity to the rocks it is very dangerous.

The second no less dangerous feature is the sun ... It is not necessary to neglently neglect such elementary things as a headdress, the clothes are better to choose a bright, lightweight and do not forget to drink more water. The effects of thermal impact and dehydration can be very unpleasant. Care should be especially carefully taken if children are with you: put a simple tissue canopy or umbrella for them.

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