Rest in Bodrum: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer.


Nuances of the airline

You can get to Bodrum by plane. At 36 kilometers from the city, Milas Bodrum International Airport is located, which receives low cost flights. There are no regular flights from Russia to Bodrum, but in high season aircraft Aeroflot and Turkish Airlines (Turkish Airlines) perform transit flights to Bodrum. Usually they pass with one transplant in Istanbul and take at least 5-6 hours. On some flights, transplants is delayed for 10 hours, and on the whole day. This case, when to get to Bodrum accounted for two transplants - in Ankara and Istanbul. The cost of tickets in both ends with one transplant starts from 300 dollars.

From Kiev in Bodrum by air, it is possible to get in 3-4 hours with the Turkish airline. The cost of a comfortable flight to and back on board the aircraft Turkish Aerlinees ranges from 380-420 dollars depending on the number of transfers. With young children, of course, it is more convenient to make an air travel with one transplant, but then the road will have to spend the maximum or book a ticket in advance. Usually, when pre-ordering tickets, somewhere in three or four months before the planned trip, the cost of the flight is reduced.

Rest in Bodrum: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer. 17433_1

In the case when the date you need to find a flight to Milas Bodrum Airport, you can not work, you can fly to any other settlement of the country. And already the rest of the way to the desired resort to overcome by bus. Tens of intercity buses run between Bodrum and other cities of Turkey. They stop at the local bus station.

How to get from the airport in Bodrum to nearby settlements

Getting to the central part of the city from Milas International Airport Bodrum Travelers can on havaş buses . This public transport in 45 minutes delivers tired travelers to the central bus station of the resort. A bus ticket to one side costs $ 3,80. Bus schedule is tied to the schedule of arriving / serving flights. Further path from the bus station to the travelers will have to be done on a taxi (dolmoshen), which is driving both around the city and beyond its limits to nearby settlements. Compared to the usual taxi, Dolmush more favorable transport in financial plan.

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Tourists who came to Bodrum on a ticket must necessarily meet at the airport by representatives of the travel company. So travelers have no need to worry about the transfer. It will be automatically organized directly to the doors of the hotel.

Independent travelers can also arrange for themselves private transfer . Bodrum has a company specializing in such services. Fast and comfortable travel from the airport to the hotel in Bodrum will cost $ 50. Personal trip to the hotel in Biteza will turn out to tourists at 55-60 dollars.

Leave the limits of the airport travelers can on a rented car or using the services Taxi . The fare to Bodrum on the car "with checkers" will be 40-50 dollars.

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