Rest with children in Athos: Is it worth going?


Athos is attractive for tourists, but only the fact that in the territory of the so-called third "finger" of the peninsula of Chalkidiki, representing the externally trident of Poseidon, is the monastic republic. Actually, this is a country in the country in which their laws and orders apply. The entrance to the territory of the monasteries is generally closed. Since the formation of such a Christian complex, no woman has emerged not to the territory of Athos. Men are allowed entry, but only by visas and ride there are not purely for familiarization, but for knowledge of life through spiritual cleansing in prayers in conditions of complete asceticism. They go there for the rest of the soul of their own. Therefore, as a resort area, including for recreation with children, Athos is not considered and no travelative firm offers to stop here. It is possible to settle in Uranopulis. This city is located on the Athos Peninsula and there are regular tourist "bars" on the walking boat along the coast in order to see the current monasteries.

Rest with children in Athos: Is it worth going? 17375_1

For schoolchildren's children, such a journey will be informative.

The cost of such a tour on Athos is about 35 euros. I bought a tour not at the hotel guide, but in the tourist firm of the town, in which rested on Cassandra. That is, some saved. Tourists will be brought to Uranopulis and transplant to the ship.

Rest with children in Athos: Is it worth going? 17375_2

The excursion itself lasts about two hours. During this time, it is possible to learn the story of the monastic republic, as well as see the monasteries themselves. Very informative and exciting tour. I advise.

On the way back there will be an entertainment show of dancers - performers of national Greek dances with attraction, of course, there are tourists. At the end of the tour, it is time to get acquainted with Uranopulis. Translated the name of the city means heavenly.

For the period of traveling on the ship, no additional things for children should be taken. A pleasant marine breeze in no way overshadows your journey, and the opposite will save from the exhausting heat. But something on the snack take the child you can, or buy in the bar, but there you can leave a decent amount. And you can also grab bread with you. The ship accompanies the flock of albatrosov, which are apparently already put on top of tourists. Bread take straight out of the hands, but it is worth a guard. I was peeled and not weak. For a child, such feeding of birds will probably be more unforgettable than the tour itself.

Rest with children in Athos: Is it worth going? 17375_3

Travel to Athos necessarily. Any such excursion that allows one to see the history of the country, interesting for adult and for the child.

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