Where is best to stay in Alexandroupolis?


With the diversity of tastes and points of view, there are hardly a person for truly exciting travel - and any nationality - not dreaming of a trip to Greece. At the same time, the legendary Athens, a wounded Santorini, an unforgettable Mount Olympus, mythical lesbos, extensive Rhodes, etc., immediately come to the mind immediately, and so on ) city port Alexandroupolis. However, he is not very famous, most likely, that part of holidaymakers who dream only about one thing: to go on the sand at the very edge of the transparent sea wave and - so that no one touches you. But lovers of independent and ecological tourism, he has long been known and quite love them. It may impress that Alexandroupolis is some lost in charming, but still - wild wilderness. Of course not. City-port, resort city and the capital of one of the Greek Nomov Pretty modern and developed administrative unit. Moreover, it is here that there is a kind of intersection of several European and Asian countries, and the city Amazingly combines not only deep dilapidated antiquity with the newest achievements of science, technology and economics, but also the legacy of two completely different cultures who dominated this land long before the occurrence of a beach holiday - East and Western.

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Thanks to its responsible position and considerable population that has over 72,000 people, Alexandroupolis can afford to accept a very extensive stream of tourists. The hotel network is very well developed, and even those hotels, on the input plate of which are affixed only a couple of stars, provide quite decent conditions for living. . Actually, going to these edges, you need to take into account: the calculation takes not just a city, but in fact the whole area of ​​Nom Evros. It is the magnificence of nature and hands of the human to be the magnificence of nature and the hands of humanists and travelers "savages". But this does not mean, of course, the resort itself does not deserve attention - one of his lighthouse with his hundreds of things worth it ... Therefore, it is necessary to choose a temporary place of life without hurrying: is it really a city or in his suburbs, closer to the beaches or in A lively urban center. What to look in the capital? First of all, the fascinating samples of architecture - elementary school, cathedral, mosque, and so on. Here is the best, perhaps, in all Greece, the Ethnographic Museum and several more different museums. But for the antiquities, for whom, in fact, the overwhelming majority of travelers are going outside the city, including - in the archaeological zone next to the village of Mesimvria, where the underwater ancient park is resting or, more precisely, the city. In these picturesque villages near Alexandroupolis, you can also find temporary refuges, and make informative bars more conveniently on the car. In general, the capital of the Noma is very convenient for those who do not like torture and is configured to remove to relax on the beach. There are not very much tourists here, even in a high season, and the beaches are extensive and diverse. If directly at the city line, the sea seems not sufficiently neat, then you can reach those beaches that are regularly celebrated by the blue flag for their exceptional purity. In reserve the resort - the island of Samotraki, to which you can admire from the city shore or go there by a boat, is an exceptional place for a secluded rest among the pristine nature.

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The price policy of this port city in the hotel in the hotel is almost the same as in all seaside resorts of the world: the closer to the first coastline - the more expensive. And, of course, the level of services provided is taken into account. Thanks to all its advantages, Alexandroupolis is suitable for recreation and families with children, and even quite small, and for the post-depth tour of the newly made married couple, and for adherents of an active way to leisure. In the town You can find both hotel complexes, consisting of several buildings and advanced entertainment infrastructure and cozy compact villas. Almost all hotels are equipped with pools, they have their own spa (or such services are provided), there is access to the Internet. Luxury options have also children's pools, offer a dietary table for kids, nanny services, etc.

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It is worth noting that Greek cuisine is not so different from, say, Russian. However, on the coast (especially in the area of ​​Macci village, which is literally 15 km from the city) a lot of national psarotavern - fish restaurants and a diner take-off, where the main dishes are snacks from seafood, and also serves a strong drink - RCD. At the same time, Alexandroupolis is distinguished by the fact that the locals prefer Thracian cuisine, it means that dense meat dishes are common. The "highlight" of the same national menu is quite capable of surprising even the sacrificed gourmets, for example, pilaf from buckwheat or soup from yogurt and corn.

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