What interesting places should be visited on Rawai Beach?


My article is devoted to interesting places that are in close proximity to Rawai - Beach (one of the beaches of Phuket), located in the southern part of the island.

First of all, I will draw your attention to the next fact - in the area of ​​Ravai attractions not so much, something, of course, is, but it is not necessary to count on a large number of museums, temples and other interesting places.

What is still on Rawai - Beach?

Rakushki Museum (or Shells)

One of the most famous museums in the south of the island is a museum of shells, which occupies a rather large area. In this museum there are seashells found off the coast of all continents of our planet, but a special place, of course, is given to the shells found in the vicinity of Phuket. The exposition was opened back in 1997, there you can see both miniature seashells and truly huge specimens, it is possible to move the history of the development of seashells - from ancient specimens, whose age is several million years before shells found in our time. There are among them and rare specimens with an unusual shape or color, as well as shell, whose weight exceeds 200 kg.

The museum has a souvenir shop in which you can buy and sufficiently unusual gifts for relatives and friends are decorations (necklaces, rings and earrings), and accessories for home, and table sets, and key chains, and much more. Prices are not called low there, but there are not very expensive souvenirs.

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A ticket to the museum is 200 baht for an adult and 100 baht for a child, and you can get on the exposure on any day of the week from 8 am to 7 pm.


One of the most popular places in the south of the island, where many love to meet the sunset and which is also included in the tourist routes. This cape is called Prom TKHEP . Here you can enjoy beautiful views from the height, admire the island itself, as well as the ocean. It is said that in clear weather from this Cape, you can even see the distant shores of India and Sri - Lanka, but personally it seems to me that this is a strong exaggeration. There is a windmill, as well as a small church of Brahma, near which the elephant figures are all sizes. In general, if you like beautiful views and would like to get a panoramic photo, and also capture yourself on the background of the sunset - boldly go to this observation platform. I will also add that it is more convenient to get there on any transport - whether it is a rented bike, a car, a tourist bus or a taxi - the benefit of the site is parking. Particularly hardy can and walk to it - but note that it will have to get up long and high, and under the hot south sun do it is especially difficult to do it.

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Village of the sea gypsy

Just in the Rawai area there is a village in which the community of marine gypsies lives, which in our time comply with their own traditions and customs and lead a fairly separate lifestyle. From the phrase, sea gypsies, you probably have already understood that their lives are closely related to the sea. This is true - the main classes are fisheries and pearl mining, they live very close to the sea - someone in the houses on the piles, and someone and right in the boats in which they go to the sea. Tourists may be interested to look at their dwellings, they themselves and get acquainted with their lifestyle. In addition, in the village you can buy fresh fish, seafood, as well as souvenirs that make Gypsies themselves.

Farm Orchids

To everyone who loves to grow flowers and those who simply love to look at beautiful plants, one can recommend paying attention to the orchid farm that is on Ravai. There you can see a huge number of orchids of different colors and varieties, take pictures with them. At the entrance to all visitors give a small twig of orchids (this is included in the ticket price), and in addition to the farm you can buy both a large bouquet of orchids and their sprouts and seeds (however, you should ask the customs rules - whether the importation of seeds to Russia is prohibited or not . On the other hand, I drove seeds from the Canary Islands, packed them into baggage - there were no problems). The farm works every day without days off from 9 am to 17 pm, a ticket for an adult will cost you 200 baht per person, children 50 percent discount - 100 baht.

Wat Sawang Arom Temple

This temple is a real sample of the Buddhist temple on the island. If you compare it with more well-known and visited places - for example, the temple of Wat Chalong, then he, of course, is somewhat losing him - both the external, and the inner decoration of this temple is quite modest. In it you can see the images of the Buddha and admire the paintings that tell about his life.

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The territory of the temple is a school for local children. Regarding the temple itself - of course, he can give you some idea of ​​Buddhism and about the device of Thai temples, but if you like large temple complexes, consisting of many buildings and affecting visitors with their decoration and decorations - I would advise you to pay attention to the temple Wat Chalong, which is not so far from Rawai - We spent there for several hours, inspected the whole complex and remained very satisfied with what was seen - very curious and informative, especially for those who are the first time in Thailand.

Coral Island and Racha Yai

From Ravai easily to get to the nearby Islands - Coral and Racha Yai. It is there that can be bought and enjoy clean water (on the very beach of Rawai of this, unfortunately, no). You have two options - to go there with an organized excursion - then you will be taken from the hotel, and everyone will be shown - you will tell you or yourself to buy a ticket for one of the boats running between Phuket and Islands - if you know how to bargain, the option is simply excellent - then You can reduce the initial price, and often on a fairly significant amount. From Rawai to the islands is completely close - if you go on a high-speed boat, you can get in half an hour, if on something slower - the trip will take you from one and a half - two hours. On the islands you can buy, lie on the beach, and also to do diving.

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