Transport in San Francisco


San Francisco's transport system is considered the most developed among all that are available in cities on the west coast of the United States. Every day more than a third of the city's population uses public transport services; These are buses (diesel and hybrid), trolley buses, high-speed trams (ground and underground) and even vintage cable trams. All transport, which moves within the city, belongs to the MUNI system.

The fare in the municipal transport of this company is quite inexpensive. For example, the price of an "adult" ticket - 2.25 dollars, travel for students, people with disabilities and disabled people worth 0.75 dollars. Ride on the famous cable tram costs about six bucks. For those who want to save on the passage, there are special travel tickets - Muni Passports. The cost of such tickets: a day for a day - $ 15, for three days - 23, a week - 29 dollars.

By purchasing such a travel, you acquire the right to use urban transport of the MUNI system without restrictions during the period of the ticket. On the cable tram - including. So for visitors this option is the most. For travel tickets of the MUNI transport system, it is impossible to move on the transport of another carrier - Bart, on tourist bass, and it will not be possible to get to the San Francisco International Airport.

Metro Muni.

About the local metro is worth telling separately. It was built in 1972. Line length is about 170 kilometers, the stations are 43: 14 ground, 16 underground and 13 overpass. In the urban metro system there are six branches of color: orange (J church), blue (K Ingleside), purple (L Taraval), green (M Ocean View), blue (N Judah) and red (T Third Street). In addition, there is still a ground branch of the so-called "metro tram" (F Market).

Buses Muni.

This type of municipal transport has only one disadvantage - overload per hour of peak. In general, the urban bus in San Francisco refers to the best and most convenient ways of movement. In addition, half of them have hybrid motors, therefore, the harmful effects of transport on air in the city decreases. You can buy a ticket in a special terminal or directly on the bus. At stops (all of them are made of glass) there is a detailed schedule of movement. If you are going to go outside the city, then on the buses of the MUNI system do it will not work. You then - the road to the large transport complex of Transbay Terminal, which serves many systems of long-distance bus transportation. AMTRAK and GREYHOUND buses - Among them.

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Cable tram Muni.

Local cable trams are in the register of historical monuments of the United States of America. This transport is the landmark of San Francisco, and is often called a symbol of the city. Nowadays, the cable tram is used for the most part of the tourist people. He (tram) is also included in the MUNI transport system. The fare is higher than on the rest, ordinary types of municipal transport.

The cable tram system has three movement routes: Powell Line - Hyde, Powell Line - Mason, California Street line.


Having been in this city, you will understand that in it, as anywhere in the United States, makes the maximum efforts to protect the purity of the atmosphere. Cyclists on local roads are just a lot! Every day more than forty thousand citizens get to work and home on bicycles. There are already more than a hundred kilometers of bicycle faces, and new ones appear all the time.


Nowadays, the center of the port of San Francisco is the Ferry structure, from where the transport marine message is organized every day in the suburbs. The cheapest way to cross the bay is the ferry, and the most comfortable and elegant - cruise liner. During such a maritime trip, you can watch whales. If the financial part of the question is not bothering you, then in the port of San Francisco you can rent a sailboat, yacht, kayak, fishing vessel or any other type of water transport. On unused piers, our time are offices, outlets, museums and other objects.

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Electric Caltrain

With the help of the Caltrain regional electric train from San Francisco you can reach the southern suburbs. Tourists are usually not very interested in such transport, but local, on the contrary, use it very often. Every day, at Kaltrain electricians, people living in the suburbs are getting to work in San Francisco. This transport system allows you to get from the South Of Market in the city of Gilroy. On the way there are a large number of stops, including San Mateo and San Jose. These trains go in the morning and in the evening.

Bart (Bay Area Rapid Transit)

Bart is a regional rapid movement system. The city has only eight stops, but in general, with this transport network you can get to the airport or to other cities in the bay.

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In fact, Bart is a kind of high-speed train or regional metro for San Francisco communication with the oriental coast. In the sense of punctuality, it works more accurately than the above-described MUNI. And it is very popular - both among local and tourists. Every day, thousands of residents use Bart trains to get to work at Downtown and back to her home.

About local roads

About San Francisco know that this is a city of loaded roads and frequent plugs, so ride on public transport here much more easily and nice than on their car. In addition, the difficulties in organizing the road traffic are also due to local geographical features. The compactness of the city, the presence of roads with one-way movement, complexity with unusual navigation, high cost of parking. In general, moving around San Francisco on your car, as you already, probably, understood, is not a major pleasure.

Not as an example of other large cities of America, local roads are built in European arterial style, and are not a developed motorway system. The reasons for this - the "road revolution", which occurred in the fifties and the earthquake of the 89th, entirely destroyed Embarkadero motorway and partly - central. The most lively streets of modern San Froancisco are a Street Marker, Fall Street, Giri Boulevard, Lincoln-Way and Portola Drive.

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