Shopping in Portugal. What to buy?


Against the background of most EU countries from the point of view of shopping, Portugal can be called a very attractive country. And let the famous world brands stand here in about the same way as in other European countries, but here are local trademarks (very high quality, by the way) will pleasantly surprise their prices.

From the famous shopping marks of Portugal, it is worth noting such as: Anna Sousa, Dom Colleto, Tiffosi, Bata, Lanidor, Sacoor Brothers, Aldo and others.

What and where to buy

The main emphasis at shopping makes sense to do on leather products and shoes, as well as on casual clothes. The most favorable prices for shoes and skin in the port and other northern cities. What to buy is not in large shopping centers, but in boutiques (yes, how it is not surprising) in the city center. The price difference can reach 10-15%. You can not worry about the quality of shoes, it is actually excellent.

As for textiles and knitwear, local manufacturers are ready to provide a large selection of modern and stylish, but at the same time very inexpensive clothes. If we compare prices, for example, with Moscow, then the difference will not be percentages, but since!

Shopping in Portugal. What to buy? 17316_1

Shopping time

Most stores in Portugal work according to standard graphics. On weekdays with 9 in the morning and up to 13 hours, then the time of the Siesta comes, which lasts a couple of hours, then they reopened and continue to work until seven in the evening. On Saturday, shops work until the day o'clock, and the resurrection of the day off. Trading complexes, as everywhere in the world, work according to standard graphics from 10 am to 10 pm without lunches and weekends.


Sales in Portugal, this is something with something. Prices for some products can be reduced to 8 percent, but on average they decrease half. Seasons Sales in this very Western European country. Summer starting from August 7 and ending on September 30 and Winter, which lasts from January 7 to February 28. At stores selling goods with discounts during this period signs appear - Saldos..

Shopping in Portugal. What to buy? 17316_2

Tax Free.

Do not forget about the additional opportunity to save on the return tax on the tax-fries. In the case of Portugal, this refund can be from 10 to 15 percent of the money spent on the shopping. However, to get a refund must comply with several conditions:

- the amount of purchase (one-time) must be at least 61 euros;

- show the seller to fill the receipt of the tax-free passport and check the correctness of the fill (you may need a card number to return funds);

- Get from the seller together with the cashier check receipt of Taks-Free;

- When departing from Portugal to show both checks and the goods to customs officers for checking and put the print. The goods must not be unpacked;

- Put a check of Taks-Free in one of Global Blue items.

  • It is worth noting that not all stores work with this system. As a rule, the store is attached to the system tells the sticker at the entrance to the store. Well, or as an option, it can be clarified by the seller.

Shopping in Portugal. What to buy? 17316_3

Tax Free Cameras are in all international airports in the country and can be found according to the scheme.

You can cash off in Russia in any of the banks collaborating with the international Global Blue system.

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