What interesting places should be visited in São Paulo?


At the very beginning of our trip to Brazil, it was clear that the visit and inspection of São Paulo was given less than a day. After reading the stories in the Internet about terrible traffic jams in the city, we decided to plan several hours in this noisy megalopolis in advance. Well, did not sit at the airport?! Immediately I will say that everything I did not manage to fulfill everything and precisely because of the heavy autotraphics, but something we still saw something.

Museum of Football

It was not even discussed! Being in Brazil and not to visit this museum such a bright fan, as my husband just could not afford. That is why this place has become the point of number one in our acquaintance with the city.

"Football Museum" Located at Praça Charles Miller, Clínicas Metro and works daily (except Monday) from 9 am to 6 pm. The entrance will cost 6 real. But on Thursday, the museum can be visited absolutely free!

What interesting places should be visited in São Paulo? 17314_1

Museum building - Old Arena. Several floors of fan football happiness! Interactive screens, awards, football attributes and shape, various printed publications and photos. That most impressed me most - far from the football of a person, so this is the record of the sick tribunes: Röv, chanting, Topot. Power and charge just stitched with their heads.

It is impossible to describe the delight of my spouse with words, and most (if not all) visitors fall out of the museum with a completely insane view from the pleasure and mass of positive emotions.


"Pinacoteca Do Estado" - And here is a real paradise for anyone who loves art. This place was my most desirable when planning. And I was absolutely not disappointed. State Pinakotek is located on Praça Da Luz, 02, Luz Metro. The museum works from Tuesday to Sunday and the ticket costs 6 reals, and on Thursday and Saturday there is an opportunity to inspect the exposition for free, but strictly from 6 to 10 pm.

What interesting places should be visited in São Paulo? 17314_2

And you really have something! I really liked the concept of the museum. It can not be attributed to one one. There is a little bit here: traditional Brazilian art (to a greater extent), modern painting, sculpture.

In Sao Paulo, there is another museum of arts (Museu Arte São Paulo), where, judging by the Internet reviews, a large number of works of modern artists and sculptors are exhibited. But on the family council, it was decided to choose only one museum of this orientation, so I only visited Pinakoteku.

Mosteiro de Sao Bento

The monastery is impressive both with its sizes and internal decoration. Inside, it is impossible to take pictures and shoot a video, but, to be honest, it is absolutely no time, and not a video, nor a photo of the energy that is saturated with everything around.

What interesting places should be visited in São Paulo? 17314_3

The harsh and impregnable look at the building inside looks absolutely different. There is even a bakery that spreads the amazing smell. Mosaic and stained glass windows are striking with their beauty.

The monastery is located at Largo de São Bento, the subway São Bento and is open daily from 6 am. A familiar who lives in São Paulo for many years with a big delight responds from Messe passing there, where the believers of different denominations are striving. Mass are held every Sunday at 10 am. We, unfortunately, were in the city on Wednesday.

So much was still planned, but ... the time was pressed and the question arose that choose from three things: Zoo, Banespa Skyscraper or the municipal market. It turned out that both of the last items are on the same metro station as the monastery.

Therefore, it was decided: first a skyscraper, and then a small shopping and snack in the municipal market.

Skyscraper Banespa.

Well, how can you visit a huge city and not sfotkat the most impressive look. And he (view) opens from the skyscraper, which is built as much as in 1939! Climb to the highest floor is not worth nothing. Some visitors checked documents, but we did not ask anything.

The view is really good!

What interesting places should be visited in São Paulo? 17314_4

The main thing is that there is solar weather, because even a small haze can interfere with the impression. Skyscrain is a real Brazilian Empire State. We need to visit here!

Mercado Municipal de Sao Paulo

This place was the last on our list and how I bite the elbows, lips and saw a spouse that we have so little time! The market is great! Starting from the building itself, which was built at the beginning of the century with huge stained-glass windows and a wonderful painting and ending the assortment that makes the head of going around.

What interesting places should be visited in São Paulo? 17314_5

It seems that everything is here: Vegetables and fruits, cheeses, sausages, souvenirs, crafts, medicines, spices, clothes and much more!

Small snack and here we are already going to a taxi to the airport.

To the question I liked São Paulo we answer unequivocal yes! Perhaps we have a few days here, we would be tired of noise and crowd. But those for several hours of tight pastime in this huge city merged into a pedestrine and a bright picture, recalling which, I want to smile.

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