How to get to Santander?


Santander is a small city in the north of Spain, which is the capital of the province of Cantabria, and rather curious to visit - it differs from typical resorts (from Barcelona and from the whole coast of the Mediterranean Sea) - It is on the ocean, there are a few other nature - more green Than in other Spanish provinces, as well as there is another climate - the cooler and soft, there you will not suffer from suffocating heat even in August. In addition, there are a number of museums and interesting places that you should visit.

How to get to Santander? 17294_1

But first of all, it is necessary to get to Santander. You can do this in several ways.

By plane

Unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Russia to Santander - the city is not so big, moreover, among tourists from Russia, he is not as popular as more promoted Spanish resorts.

However, it can be reached only with one transplant.

Moscow - Santander

As I have already written above, from the capital of Russia to Santander can easily be reached by only one transplant. The flight is performed by the Spanish airline Iberia (Iberia) on the next route - Moscow (Domodedovo) - Madrid - Santander. The total time on the way is about eight hours, they are five of them with a little clock, then a transfer to Madrid, then a transplant that lasts about two hours, and then another hour of flight to Santander internal airlines. In my opinion, this is a completely convenient option that does not take a lot of time. The price, of course, can change, but at the time of writing the Ticket article there - back on June cost 26 thousand rubles per person.

Similarly, it is possible to get to Santander and two airlines - on the Moscow-Madrid plot, you can fly Aeroflot, on the Madrid site - Santander - Iberia. The same price.

A little more fiscal option - flight route Moscow - Düsseldorf - Madrid - Santander. As you can notice, this option is already providing for two transplants, the time on the way will be about twenty hours (including all flights and transplants), the price will be a couple of thousand below - at the time of writing it is 24 thousand (there - back to June) . On my subjective look, it is not very profitable, because in transplants at the airport you can just spend the whole amount you saved earlier. Flight Moscow - Dusseldorf and Dusseldorf - Madrid performs German Airberlin. Further to fly will need Iberia.

And the latest popular flight option with one transfer is a flight on the route Moscow - Barcelona - Santander, which airlines - Discounts - from Moscow to Barcelona you will take you Vueling. and the internal flight performs Ryanair. . Given all transplants, the flight will take about 10 hours. The price, oddly enough, is not lower than that of ordinary airlines - about 27 thousand there - back, despite the fact that such airlines offer passengers a rather low level of comfort - the distance between the seats will be less than that of other airlines, the food does not include The price of the ticket, most often you have to pay extra for the luggage.

St. Petersburg - Santander

From the northern capital to Santander can also be reached with only one transplant - this route offers the above mentioned Vueling. . You will have to fly so - St. Petersburg - Barcelona - Santander. Taking into account transfers, the flight will take about 10 hours. The price of tickets is not very different from Moscow - it is 26 thousand per person.

In addition, different options for flights offers and Iberia - Mainly with a transfer to Barcelona (then you will need to change the plane once once) or with a change in Madrid.

Residents of other cities of Russia will most conveniently reach Moscow or St. Petersburg and fly from there or fly to Madrid or Barcelona - from these Spanish cities regularly fly to Santander.

Santander Airport

The international airport is not located within the city, but five kilometers south of him.

It is not very big, but in general it has everything you need passengers - a few cafes, ATMs, telephones, there are access to a wireless network, as well as machinery for food and beverages. In addition, you can visit the duty-free sale shop Duty Free, although it is worth recognizing that it will not compare with similar shops in Madrid and other major cities.

The airport is clean, modern and very convenient - there are all the conditions for passengers with children and for people with disabilities.

How to get to Santander? 17294_2

You can get to the city in several ways - by bus, taxi and car.

The bus walks between the airport and the Santander bus station. It goes every half an hour (from 7 am to 23 o'clock). At another time you can get to the city by taxi - they are always at the airport. In addition, the car rental is right in the airport building, so you can take a car in advance for rent. The following companies are presented - Avis, Enterprise Ateesa, Europcar and Hertz.

By car

Those who love to travel in their car or take a car for rent, it will be worthwhile to find out that it is fairly convenient to ride the car in Spain, and in many places the longer free tracks are duplicated with shorter pay - you will have The choice is to drive quickly, but by paying a certain amount or ride longer, but for free.

How to get to Santander? 17294_3

Those travelers who like long car trips can take a car for rent in any of the northern provinces in Spain and from there to get to Santader. This can be done, for example, in Barcelona (to which it is very easy to reach by plane). The distance from Barcelona to Santander is 700 kilometers (if you go on paid roads). During the day - the other is quite possible to overcome such a distance, while stopping in the places you are interested in.

In the north of Spain, the center of the Basque Country is the city of Bilbao, from him to Santander is only 100 kilometers, so you can rent a car there.

In addition, some of my acquaintances went to the south of France, and then we went to the north of Spain, visited Bilbao, Girona and Santander. Of course, such a route is only suitable for those who do not get tired of long car moves.

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