How to get to Zaragoza?


Airplane, train, car - any of these vehicles will help tourists to get to the many-sided capital of Aragon. Thanks to a well-developed transport infrastructure, travelers easily fall into one of the most visited cities in Spain, rich in ancient monuments and modern architectural creations.

Air Transport

Zaragoza has its own airport, removed from the city just by more than 9 kilometers. And thanks to this, flights of flights have the opportunity to quickly and conveniently reach here from any European, Spanish or Russian airport. Flights to Saragosu are performed by four airlines. From the Moscow air port in Zaragozu, you can fly on the airline of the airline Iberia. The flight that takes eleven hours will cost tourists at $ 213. However, ordering tickets a couple of months before the planned trip, it will be possible to save a little. Another option to become Wizz Air aircraft, which will deliver travelers from Vnukovo Moscow Airport to the Spanish resort with one or two transplants in both directions for $ 417. Unfortunately, from other cities of Russia to the airport, Zaragoza aircraft do not fly.

As for the flight from Kiev to Saragozu, it makes all the budget companies. A ticket on both sides will cost an extremely road. An alternative option for travelers can be flight to Madrid airport. And there already to Zaragoza can be reached by suitable land transport. As for me, this option is more economical. Let someone he seem irrational and costly in time, but the right to exist such a path has exactly. The price of air transport flight from Kiev to Madrid and returns approximately 280 dollars.

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From Zaragoza Airport to the city center, travelers will be able to get through the bus or taxi. Those who hurry or do not want to get to the city by public transport can take advantage of the individual car with the driver - a taxi. Total twenty-thirty minutes, and travelers will stand in front of the doors of their hotel or on one of the Saragos Square. That's just for the convenience and speed to tourists will have to lay out 28-30 dollars.

As for the bus ride from the airport to the city center, it will take a little longer - approximately 45 minutes. On this, the cost of a slow passage will be only $ 3.5. Yes, and to wait for public transport to tourists for a long time do not have to. On weekdays every half hour from the airport towards Zaragoza, another bus is sent. They run throughout the day from 6 am to 11 pm. On weekends, the gap between the subsequent buses increases and is one hour.

Railway transport

Getting to Zaragoza by train quite real. Of course, I do not say that one of the cities of Russia or Ukraine will be the starting point of the route. We are talking about traveling from Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Seville and ten other cities in Spain.

A high-speed train from Madrid to Saragosu will deliver travelers for an hour and a half. Tickets at the tour of AVE will cost 57 dollars. Three-hour trips on the usual train from Madrid empty a tourist wallet by $ 23-30. But in general, daily from Madrid in Zaragozu leaves a tent of the train.

From Barcelona in Zaragozu runs about ten compositions. Ride on a slow train Regional express takes five hours and costs $ 25. The high-speed train Ava overcomes the path in an hour and 45 minutes, but it costs $ 68. A quick and comfortable trip is worth it.

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All trains are ordinary and high-speed, arrive at Delisias Station, which is striking with its sizes. The hotel, shopping center and recreation area is available on the territory of the trendy train station. You can get from the station to the city center on foot, walking about two kilometers. And you can get to the required district of Zaragoza by bus or taxi. A bus number 34 and 51 walk from the train station to the historic center. A ticket for it is a little more than a dollar. The cost of a taxi trip from the station to the center will be 12 dollars. The road takes only ten minutes, while walking will need half an hour.

Bus service

Zaragoza is located on the Key Road Junction of Spain. And, accordingly, through this city there are routes of many intercity buses. All of them stop at the city's central bus station, which is located directly near the railway station on Navarre Avenue, 80. A comfortable bus from Madrid to Saragosu will reach 4 hours. Journey to it costs $ 18.

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You can get from the bus station to the city center on the same city buses as from the railway station.

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