When is it worth going to rest in Kathmandu?


Going to Nepal should be remembered that the climate of this country is not only different from our (the middle strip of Russia), but also quite diverse depending on which height is your route.

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Also, in our country, the climate is different, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory from the weather conditions of the Yamalo-Nenets District and weather conditions in Nepal in the Valley of Kathmandu and on the mountain slopes will differ significantly among themselves.

If you restrict ourselves to the seasonality characteristic, everything is simple enough: the spring months is March, April, May and autumn - September, October, from the point of view of temperature, humidity and other important characteristics, the most successful months for visiting the country.

In the summer months in Nepal (not concerns high-mountainous regions) is very hot, besides, very dusty. In the case when "not dusty" - dirty. It is determined by the fact that since the end of June and about mid-September there are a lot of precipitation, the roads turn into solid dirt.

The most southern part of the country is subject to the effect of the subtropical climatic belt and it is the Indian Ocean generously sheds the monsoon rains in the summer period on Nepalese valleys. Please note that rain, for example, in Kathmandu, as in all subtropics, are not the pathetic five drops of moisture that are familiar with the Middle Russian inhabitant. It looks like this:

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But it will appropriate here that even such heavy rains do not spoil recreation, they are short-lived, and they do not spoil the surrounding beauty, just paints become brighter and juicy, and the sky is decorated with a high tail of the rainbow.

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When you see such beauty it becomes clear where the patterns of magic drawings are taken from the mandala and intricate multicolor decorations.

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Take into account the fact that a visit to the child of complex alpine routes is better not to plan. Even if you prepare and equip a child correctly, temperature and pressure drops will still be too sharp.

The northern part is the Arctic climatic belt and here you will find all the phenomena inherent in it. In the highland areas are very cold.

Nepal in the valleys is no less ambitious, it is just a ride around the country and see the distinctive world at the foot of the famous peaks. For children, the whole trip will be a solid memorable excursion.

Another important nuance, in December - February snow in the mountains is very, very much, literally on the belt. That is, almost all ascents are better planning for other months: late March-April, October-November. Of course, professionals go to the path at any time of the year, sometimes even in no most comfortable conditions. For example, in this December, the snow cover thickness reached 80 cm, while many climbers continued to climb. And in the valley at this time the sun and heat (January 10):

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Another curious moment relating to the Nepal climate directly. The fact is that here it is mildly speaking problems with electricity and heating. Of course, there are hotels in which the generators provide uninterrupted supply of electricity and even heating. But, in most cases, going on any track, be prepared for the fact that sleeping will be in clothes (up to the mittens).

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