What time is it better to rest in theologosa?


And all Greece in general, and one of its largest island - Rhodes and a very small village on the Western tip of this island - theologos are located in the comfortable climatic zone of the Mediterranean. It means that Even the winter temperature is on average, it does not fall on the coast of the Aegean Sea (namely, theologos was sheltered) below +7. However, as in any resort place, there are their "the most" time periods. Especially if we are talking about resting the whole family - with kids or in the case when the body does not tolerate heat very well. Then it is better to plan a trip not by July-August, because it is in these months a block of a thermometer will crawl to +32. And here From April to June and the weather favors, and the influx of inturists is not so intense, so there is a real opportunity to spend a budget vacation . Accordingly, water in the sea is most pleasant from mid-May to September. In general, it is worth noting that the village is not emptying the whole year, because, let's say, the climatic conditions of theologos are quite suitable for water extreme lovers.

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Ellada - and the Greeks themselves are only so called their homeland - "exclusive" in general, however, even each, even the most miniature, its geographical particle finds what to hit guests. So, Tolos (the second name of theologic) managed to surprisely combine the traditional Greek village and a completely modernized resort of almost a global scale. In any case, in all respects, it is not inferior to other famous beach holiday places on the world map. However, no first year, all Greece confidently holds its honorable place in the tourist triple of the most popular countries - along with Egypt and Turkey.

Tolos has one quite Russian disadvantage: roads. Because of their partition, it's hard to get here. Although from the center of Rhodes to the village regularly - once every 40 minutes - regular buses are sent. Interestingly, this minus did not affect the attraction of the resort - the flow of travelers on this piece of the shore of the Aegean Sea does not at all weaken. There is a completely understandable explanation: Crystal clear sea water, well-developed hotel structure and rather cheap with high quality food . The well-kept beach with a dozen kilometers, bordered by lush vegetation, could scare the fact that he is pebble. But the local harmony and an ecologically favorable environment clearly outweigh. Therefore, it is often possible to meet families with children - grabbing rubber shoes, they master the purest warm coastal waters. By the way, Local beaches are also famous for comfortable furnishings, caring for holidaymakers: the presence of chaise lounges and solar umbrellas, and also - fences in water for the children are mandatory . Since the entertainment in these rural sites is not so much, then the hotelians tried to create more conditions for a full-fledged rest in the hotels themselves. This is especially true of, of course, "luxury" options.

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Special Tolos loved to active people engaged in the most different types of water sports And the windsurfing is most developed. On the other hand The village is it possible to better approached those who just dreams to be in solitude and rest . Even the location of hotels will help solve this issue correctly: closer to water - noisy and fun, away from the shore - peaceful silence. Various tourists and family travelers are interested in various excursions. For example, here at Rhodes you can visit the famous valley of butterflies or literally to get to the Turkish Marmaris in the neighboring village, September inclusive, since it was during these months that representatives of the "Medvednica" species in their surprisingly bright outfits are massively flying. And everywhere on the coast there are Greek taverns, where freshly delicious fish and seafood are extremely tasty. All this selling splendor, of course, will be better to pass in comfortable weather conditions, so before buying a ticket to theologica and book a hotel, it's worth it - in accordance with the requirements of your body (and the health status of loved ones - if the trip is supposed to choose a month .

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