Why are tourists choose to Saragoza?


It is not surprising that all Spanish is very attractive for Russians - dancing, outfits, traditions, kitchen. Expression and passion are inherent in us no less than countrymen of the legendary Don Quixote. Surprisingly versatile and extremely bright country, this never suffered from lack of tourists. However, the framework of their knowledge and impressions about this European region does not prevent expanding, because there are many very curious places here, where the Spanish spirit is closely intertwined with completely unexpected cultures of the planet. One of the visual examples is the Zaragoza.

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Despite the fact that Spain is deservedly proud of its ski resorts - thanks to almost everywhere in the mountainous area, as well as magnificent beaches - the benefit of the kingdom is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, it attracts foreign guests and deep into the country. So, In Zaragozu, located in the north-eastern part of its territory, do not entail marine landscapes or picturesque mountain wheels, but, the richest historical heritage, manifests itself literally at every step . The city is one of the largest in the country, comes in the five most extensive on the occupied area, and its main advantage is the ability to carefully preserve the heritage of almost two millennia along with the technological and economic breakthrough in recent years. Not only is the baggage of the National Memory of the Saragostsev so an ancient, so it is also an amazing "cocktail" at least four cultures - Arab, Ancient Roman, Christian and Jewish. Little where in Europe you can see how directly in the city center are adjacent to modern high-rise buildings from glass and concrete with a grand architectural structure, for example, the Roman theater. The stone bridge, "guarded" on both shores of Lviv, as well as the most grandiose church in Spain, built in a baroque style, is a basilica of Pilar. Almost all the brilliance preserved the palace in Mauritan style, which was once the residence of the Arab Sheikh - Alkhafter. And, of course, It is impossible to visit Zaragoz and not admire the work of the brilliant Francisco Goya which is a native of these places - on the painting of the walls of the Basilica Pilar. Many tourists are starting to get acquainted with Pilar Square and Casco Viejo - the historic city center. But Saragoza is striking imagination not only exceeding the preserved cathedrals, basilica, ruins and walls of the fortress, but also by modern architectural structures. So, A tangible push was given in connection with the holding of Expo 2008 There were many not only relevant, but also very interesting in its constructive and designer decision of the buildings: from the train station to the only freshwater "Aquarium of Zaragoza" from the railway station.

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However, it is not worth diminishing and the natural beauty of the city, because he spread over the shores of the Ebro River. Natural parks, water park, many squares, the imperial canal of Aragon and the abundance of other natural miracles are hospitably invited to meet them. In Zaragoza, over 15 of a variety of museums and, in addition to this, at least four museums displaying the history of the times of ancient Rome. No less exciting and local shopping - a few streets are given to respectable stores, another pair-troika lanes are destroyed by outlets where tourists with budget income are serving. By the way, along with a well-developed bus and tram network There is also a newly introduced cycling public network: by issuing a subscription for 25 euros, you can move from six in the morning to midnight in this form of transport With more than two hundred stations. Local cuisine is not only Spanish dishes, but also their own very tasty inventions of the cod type under garlic and eggs. In general, food is quite familiar to any traveler who arrived from neighboring states - meat, seafood, snacks. All the listed "highlights" of the Zaragoza will be interesting and useful not only to adults, but also to small tourists. Moreover, Weather Family Family Trips Almost all year round . Winter temperatures for, for example, Russians are quite comfortable - from 0 to +10, and in summer the sun heats the air to +40. Rains are quite a bit and they happen in most part in the spring. An interesting feature: At the end of the summer, Zaragoza is empty - closing a store or bar, a local resident goes into his right vacation to the Spanish seaside or a ski resort. The best time for foreign tourists is April-June. In winter, cold dry winds blow, and with the onset of July, the city becomes like a hot frying pan. Zaragoza with her very numerous population is not dangerous even for lovers to travel alone, but it is not necessary to provoke PE, walking without a friend late in the evening or somewhere on the outskirts, because any megapolis cannot negotiate banal stealing and robberies.

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