Rest in Miskolc: how to get there?


You can get to the popular Hungarian resort of Miskolc in several ways. The main thing is to determine how much money you are willing to spend on the road and how quickly it is necessary to be in the Mischiknets, surrounded by two amazing resort pearls - cave bathing tapolets and mysterious Lillafured.

Air Transport

Despite the fact that there is a private airport in Miskolz, to get to this resort directly by the plane will not work. The fact is that the Miskolts Airproof does not accept passenger flights. Therefore, tourists who prefer air transport, will have to fly initially to the nearby airport in Budapest or Debrecen, and then recreated for the train, bus or taxi to get to the cherished place of rest.

It is better, of course, choose the capital airport, which is directly carried out by flights from Moscow, Kiev, Minsk and St. Petersburg. Prices for air transport tickets depend on the company that flies. On average, both sides can be flown for 40 thousand forints.

As for the debt, he is even closer to the Miscolca, but there are practically no regular flights from Russia or Ukraine to his small airport.

By train to Miskolts

It is not particularly expensive to get to Miskolc from the capital or any other city will help the railway. The usual train from Budapest to the Mischilts Main Railway Station is about two and a half hours. Buy a ticket easier to him simple. A lot of trains passes through Miskolc and almost all of them stop at the train station Tisai. By the way, the station itself is one of the attractions of the city.

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The passage on the usual train will cost 3,400 forints. You can use high-speed express, which in just one and a half hours of Domacht from Budapest to Miskolc. The passage on it will cost a little more - up to 5,000 forints. However, the journey will turn out to be more comfortable and in the wagons you are cleaner.

You can also buy a ticket for the train of the international message (INTERSITY), which also makes stop at Tisai Station. True, in the season, interest tickets for the trains of Interssiti better book in advance. You can do this on the website of the Hungarian Railway. Unlike express, it will go slower, making stops even at small stations, but the travel conditions will be better than in the usual train.

By car

Miskolc from Russia or Ukraine can be reached by car. To do this, it will be necessary to stick to the road signs E 579 and M3, which will bring travelers right to the city. That's just, the portion of the motorway before the Miskolc will be paid. To overcome it, it will be necessary on any gas stations or in the store along the route to purchase a vignette, which passes on the windshield of the machine. The cost of special stickers is about 3,000 forints.

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And also, on the roads of Hungary, it is better to go slowly. They, of course, the quality of the Ukrainian "trails", through which will have to go, but with road signs in the local lands it is not rosy. Periodically, they simply disappear, and then it remains only to rely on the electronic navigator or attentive navigator.

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