Features of rest in Side


Gathering to Turkey for the third time, we more or less consciously approached the selection of the resort. Relas requirements were imposed not overpriced, but concrete. Since we went to travel in four part of me, a husband and two of young children (1.5 and 4 years), then I didn't want to go ramp where we did not want to go.

Distance to the airport

One of the main points in the choice of the resort was relative proximity to the airport. Of the existing towns, the closest to Antalya are Belek (about 30 km from the airport), Kemer (about 60 km, but in the opposite direction from Antalya regarding Belek) and Side (about 70 km, the next resort on the coast after Belek). Initially, our preference was given to the resort town of Belek. But after seeing the price range of hotels (by the way, rest in this elite place is worth 1.5-2 times more than in Kemer or Side), we abandoned this idea. Kemer also did not come up, because on that coast, almost all the beaches are stony, and the district itself is aimed at a youth partner, than on a calm family. Therefore, the choice fell on Side.

Benefits Side

Studying information on this resort and choosing a hotel, I found for myself many advantages that were more than overlapping the advantages of the above areas that are closer to the airport.

First, it is Sand beaches In Side. I do not know, perhaps someone more like pebble, but I prefer the sand so as not to prick and not hurt my legs. On the sand and adults to walk more pleasant, and children play as in a big sandbox I like much more than with pebbles. In addition, the presence of sand did not prevent water to be clean and transparent. Although there were always many people in the sea, but there were no muthes. And what's there in the Mediterranean coastal waters to watch? This is not the Red Sea, there is no beauty anyway, only the flocks of small gray fish and that's it.

Secondly, vegetation Side pleased me. The smell of needles from pines with large fluffy needles and healing aroma from eucalyptus conquered me. Describe the benefit of the health of patients and healthy, children and adults, I think it does not make sense. These "natural inhalations" are still creating wonders with marine saline. In particular, we felt the effect on the children who used to fall into turns once every two weeks, and after the trip 3-4 months did not sneeze.

Third, considering that we rested with young children, but to be look at something interesting We still wanted to us, then Side turned out to be the most suitable option. 2 minutes walk from the hotel (and from each hotel in the town where we rested) there is a stop. On the way, Dolmushi (Turkish buses) on two routes - to the center of Side and to Manavgat. Before Side, we needed to go about 5-10 minutes depending on the number of stops (the driver stops at the request or in the presence of people at the bus stop), and to Manavgata - 15 minutes. Such movements were very convenient for us, as the buses often go (every 5-10 minutes), besides, it is cheap relative to, for example, a taxi, plus not tiring for children. Thus, for 13 days of vacation, we were independently chosen on such trips three times - and the city looked, and made a lot of purchases.

In general, those who love the old ruins, ancient dilapidated amphitheaters, and in general want to plunge into the ancient world in our time, then I highly recommend going to Side.

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The whole historic city we slowly went around half a day, if there are two kids with us. And they did not have time to get tired, and the hotel was already at the hotel. Prices in the museum and amphitheater are acceptable, workers are very polite and helpful (helped us with a carriage pass through uncomfortable turntables, tactfully asked not to photograph with an outbreak in the museum, etc.).

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Fourth that we especially pleased it Price for tour . Compared with similar living conditions in Belek or Kemer, a ticket was cheaper in Side. The price difference with Belek was about 2 times, and with Kemer - about 20%.

For which categories of vacationers is suitable for Side

Side is pretty a calm place on the Antalya coast of Turkey. There are no particularly pathos hotels here, there are also "golden" places, rattling discos. But in contrast to this, there are healing air in Side and historical values. All these features of the resort contribute to the formation of a certain contingent of vacationers. Basically, in Side love to come families with children, elderly couples. But representatives of the awesome young people or the rich elite are unlikely to get caught in Side.

By the way, many Xide hotels even make an item in the rules for placing that they do not provide places of lonely men. Apparently, they are afraid of their possible indecent behavior. Therefore, a young decent girl to relax here will be safe (but probably boring).

In general, Side hotels are usually designed for medium weight people. Here, hotels of various star - 3 *, 4 *, 5 * are presented.

Entertainment in Side

As for entertainment, excursion agencies can offer traveling active types of recreation - alloys on the mountain river, water park, etc. But for this you will have to go to the neighboring cities - Belek, for example, or in Alanya. There is no one dolphinarium in Side, so it is necessary to go to the same proteins or alanya. The most popular in the tourists in Side enjoys a seabed on a pirate ship.

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Deal for children is designed, so many are satisfied with the trip - the children are engaged in finding the treasure with animators, and parents can safely spend time, admiring the beauties of the local landscape.

In the center of Side there are discos, and cafes, and shops, so wishing to have fun or buy something can go there. Although everything is still going to shopping in the neighboring Manavgat, where it is more and the price is lower.

In conclusion, I can add your impressions of rest in Side. In the ratio of price-quality for our family Side turned out to be the perfect option for holidays. We all spent all the days were very pleased. Would I return to Side? My answer - while the children are small, then definitely "yes", but together with her husband would not have come, since we didn't like the lying rest.

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