Transport on Samui


On Samui, like a multitude of other Thai islands, small motorcycle rentals. If you compare the road system of this island and others, then on Samui it is more developed, there are a large number of taxis on the roads (only, however, to the meters in taxi drivers a lot of dislike).


Taxi Meter is called on Selfi Taxi. In a taxi of the island, the Japanese and Korean cars of yellow-red paint are mainly influenced. They are not equipped with meters. The passage is on average two or three hundred baht, and bargaining is quite appropriate.

Songteo (Tuk Tuki)

Tuk-Tuk is, by the way, the wrong name of this type of transport, because Tuk-Tuk is Motorik, and Sugteo is a pickup with seats in the body. However, guests from Russia with constant perseverance call this transport "Tuk-Tuk". Songteo has its own schemes of movement, so bother to learn in advance where it goes. The passage stands in different ways, depending on how much the nervousness of the driver is enough. The minimum issue price is twenty-thirty-baht.

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Motorcycle rental on the island is spread almost everywhere. The cost of this pleasure ranges from one hundred and twenty to sevenisot Baht per rental day, depending on the size. I advise you to rent a motorcycle in any more or less solid office, because "Divorces" and theft of vehicles here have occurred. If you still have been removed to rent a motorcycle, then carefully inspect it before use - maybe there are any damage on the vehicle; It would be nice to take a picture of the motorcycle, then not to "get" for money, if you want to get started at stays at your expense. In addition, find out whether the vehicle is insured, and what is the amount of compensation in case of damage. Ideally, of course, it is better to make it better as it should be documented. Among other things, you have to give a helmet - do not be afraid to demand it, because why pay fines? But first of all it is, of course, the question of your safety, not money. Movement on the island of Samui - left-hand. If you do not want to manage the vehicle yourself, you can always use the services of the Moto Taxi - the money is small, and no responsibility.

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Bicycles for rent

The cost of renting bicycle transport on the island is very small: a couple of dollars, and is great for all day at your disposal.

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