Why do tourists choose Quito?


Quito is the capital of Ecuador. Already on the way from the airport to the city, it becomes clear what kind of stunning nature here. Mountains covered with stormy vegetation, the clouds lowered unnaturally low, you can even confuse them with fog. And what surprises, while you are going along the road, neither to the right of the left of refueling stations, roadside cafes and shops. Immediately you understand that everything is different here.

Local currency - American dollar . In this regard, you do not need to look for banks, something to change something, everything is extremely simple and understandable. The main thing is that the money is in smaller, as prices in Quito are very low. And the surrender does not always happen to sellers, you yourself understand why!

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City architecture

So, the city is very interesting, beautiful, especially the center. All European-style architecture, except for the outskirts. Why?! Very simple, Quito built Spaniards: Square, Palaces, Streets, at home. All monasteries in the city of Catholic.

Special colors create local residents themselves. Mostly in the city there are Indians, men walk in poncho, women wear a strange handkerchief on her head, according to a specially tied. About 30% (I can certainly make a mistake) of the population, these are people of a very small growth with a bizarre appearance.

They say here in Spanish and in the language of the Kechua (Inca language) . English is owned by a minority, those who work in tourist activities.

What rushes immediately into the eyes - poverty. There are many children who ask for alms, young young men stick to all with a shoe cleaning service. Right on the street distribute free food.

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Local kids.

Many merchants of all kinds of nonsense sell ice cream ($ 0.25), roasted pork skirt ($ 1 per piece). But as practice has shown, food selling on the street is extremely not delicious.

By the way, an interesting fact about the city of Quito, for me it was unexpected. Many Russians move to live here. True housing rent, the price is low, about $ 200. But if you buy it here, then it costs real estate.

All moving around the city near tourists takes place on a taxi, the average price is $ 3-4. Although all the most interesting is in the center of Quito.

The most beautiful and high building is a Basilica del Vomo Nasion.

This temple is acting and for him more than 200 years. The most funny thing that he was built all this time and today the construction is not completed. Near this temple, there is a belief when it is completed, the end of the world will come.

Of the interesting monuments of architecture, it is worth noting the Churches of La Caching, Santo Domingo and San Francisco. Many churches and monasteries in Quito are decorated abundantly gold and silver, there are rare paintings and valuable sculptures from the colonial era within them.

Very beautiful and pleasant place - urban botanical garden. The abundance of orchids is impressive. In it you can make a lot of beautiful photos.

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Botanical Garden

Quito many call, like the island of Tenerife in Spain, the venue of permafrost. The weather is very comfortable, and do not forget that Quito is located at the equator. In the afternoon about 20 degrees, and at night 15 degrees. The rainy time in Quito is November and April.

And now about the most interesting, for what many go to Quito. Here a few kilometers from the city is the Equator of the Earth . The yellow line shares the hemisphere on the southern and northern. In this place a monument to the Equator. But, the most amazing thing is that quite recently scientists spent their research once again and found out that the equator is actually elsewhere. Now there is another markup a few kilometers from the old one. And tourists come there, and there. The main thing is that all the amazing wizards of nature occur in both places. At the equator, items do not display the shadow at noon, and the day is equal to the night.

Should I go to Quito? Necessarily. This is a city from another world, here is all other, ranging from people and ending with nature. Quito Exotic Place Certificates of Tourists! Only here to fly here for a long time.

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