What to try and where can I eat in Miskolc?


Many restaurants and street cafes are scattered throughout the Miskilts. Moreover, most of the institutions are ready to feed the numerous guests of the resort for a little money. It is possible to dine in a clean small cafe in just 1200-1300 forints. As for a full dinner for two in a popular restaurant, it will turn out at 5000-5500 forints.

Hungarian dishes worthy of tourists

Local nutrients offer travelers to enjoy both the dishes of traditionally Hungarian cuisine and the Kushan of Italian, European cuisines. As you should certainly try during the rest in Miskolts, this is an amazing Hungarian baking. It is not only very tasty, but also very diverse. Amazingly delicious rolls, strudel, biscuits and unusual Hungarian cheesecakes are served in the coffee shops in the heart of the city in the Belvarosh district. The dessert is best to order a cup of coffee, which at this resort is stunningly preparing. And twice try the same enough hot drink from tourists will not work. Each coffee shop makes coffee for known only its recipe.

From local meat dishes, I would advise you to try Parographs. It is preparing traditionally from the chicken, but in many restaurants of the Miskolts Bird, the meat is replaced with beef or pork, which in its own way turns tasty. The meat is stealing in sour cream sauce with the addition of paprika and other spices, and then served along with potato mashed potatoes. This dislo in preparation will make an impression even on culinary gourmets by simplicity and sophistication. It can rightfully compete with the cult Hungarian walking.

And yet, making the order "blindly" in a restaurant or cafe is better to ask the waiter, which is part of a particular dish. Just for the sonorous names can hide ordinary dick or porridge.

From strong drinks in Miskolts, the famous Wine of the Tokay region "ACS" and Balsam "Unicum", which is most often bought as a souvenir.

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Where to eat in Mishballs?

  • Uni-cafe. Tourists may well be interested in the financial plan of the cafe with a varied menu located on the territory of the city university. In order to find this, the institution popular among hungry youth will need to be collapsed in the lane, walking in parallel to the university street in the area of ​​the first corps of the scientist. A large number of all sorts of food and a good espresso, cappuccino served in a UNI-cafe on weekdays from 7:30 to 24:00. Moreover, the menu is updated daily. True, hot dogs, steaks and hamburgers remain unchanged. If travelers have very little time to the snack, then you can not bother with a choice of dishes and order a day menu. It usually consists of three approaches and includes a very appetizing dessert. The cost of lunch on the day menu will cost tourists in 950-1150 forints. While the giant portion of pancakes with chocolate or fruit sauce costs 350 forints, a little cheaper in 250 forints is estimated by cottage cheese dessert. As for drinks, the wine list of the institution is very good. However, given the youth orientation of the cafe and affordable price policy, most of the visitors prefer the beer - 250 forints per liters and bottled borsodi 280 forints.

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Works cafeteria and on weekends. That's just the working day on Saturday begins from 12:00, but the Uni-cafe is closed at two o'clock in the morning. On Sundays, the institution serves visitors from noon to midnight. With the occurrence of darkness, this place from the catering turns into a popular entertainment establishment. By the way, if there is a desire to have fun in the uni-cafe, it is better not to do it alone. Place, though cheerful, but night is unsafe.

Payment of the account for lunch or dinner in the cafe is possible in cash or plastic card. For quick and friendly maintenance, if you wish, you can leave the tip.

  • Coffee shop Miskolc. While a walk through the historic center of Belvarosh, the city of Belvaros is a bit and enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee to tourists will be conveniently in the Cafe Mishcolc. This place is ideal not only for easy snack by a piece of the same name of the cake of the same name or a portion of a chocolate dessert, but also allows you to get acquainted with the works of local artists. The fact is that from time to time in the cafe are arranged exhibitions of talented, but little-known creators of the Miskolts.

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You can visit cozy cafeteria from nine in the morning to seven in the evening. This is an institution on the street of Ishthan Sechens, 16 next to the information tourist center of the resort. The size of the average account in the cafe is approximately 900 forints.

  • Fast Fudies. In Miskolz, as in many other cities of the world, there is a popular fast food restaurant McDonalds. For a long time to search for it, because the detached fast food is in a pair of walking from the shoe center of a large department store of the city of Miskolc Plaza Plaza on wheat street (Búza Tér), 1. Prices are standard, but the service for this network of establishments, as I am slow. For 400 forints, you can get a template McDonald breakfast, and for 990 Forints, tourists, if desired, "quickly" are dieted from noon to two o'clock in the afternoon.

Another branch of the fast food restaurant McDonalds expects visitors directly in the Miskolc Plaza shopping center itself daily from 9:00 to 23:00. Address of this McDonalds: SZENTPÁLI, 2-6. Falling further on the street on the opposite side in the house number 5 to feed the hungry tourists are ready for another popular fast food Megaburger. Here is such a choice of fast food restaurants available in the center of Miskolts. The size of the average account in both institutions is about the same, so the choice remains only for personal preference to one or another fast fud.

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