Is it worth going to the USA?


On the question of whether it is worth going to the United States, in my opinion, there may be only one answer: "It is necessary at the very first opportunity, and be sure!". And the point is not that this is one of the largest countries of the world or the so-called promoted brand. This is a real region of contrasts, a place where you can still feel the beauty of nature anywhere, and the invasion of civilization at the same time. This is a country, just affecting the number of places of interest - both entertainment or cultural and natural or historical. In addition, it is land where you can feel like a real sandstone in the midst of huge expanses of something united ....

Of course, and when planning a trip to the United States, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. The states of such a country as the United States of America differ very much among themselves. In addition, moving from one part of the United States to another may be accompanied by significant difficulties - both material and temporary. After all, imagine this country takes up almost a whole continent. Therefore, before buying a cherished ticket, it is worth it to decide for yourself what you are waiting for this trip. Large megalopolises and mad rhythm of life, which can be found, for example, in New York, reckless entertainment of Las Vegas, a slow and measured rhythm of cozy California, who has been the enticing of all sorts of celebrities and fashionable institutions or at all of the virgin nature and the calmness of distant and impregnable Alaska. .

In the photo: New York

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In the photo: Los Angeles

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In the photo: Landscapes of Alaska

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I can not say that absolutely every America will fall in love with himself. There really is over what to think and what is surprised. Someone takes her, what it is, inhaling a full-breasted "air of freedom", and someone will hold all the time of vacation, fearfully, and then looking around on the sides, or a perplex that is so special. It all depends on what exactly you are waiting for from this country and from your journey. One thing I can say for sure - no region, or state, the United States will definitely leave you indifferent. He is impressed to the depths of the soul, leaving his, understandable only to you, feelings. Perhaps after the first journey here you decide that this country is not for you that there are too many conventions, restrictions or immigrants. True, the majority for the first time who visited the desired land declares that they had never seen anywhere else that it was an absolutely unique country where it definitely wants to return to learn its new territories and open her new pages.

What a US will seem to you - not to solve me. This is just your opinion and your choice. From myself I can say one thing. If suddenly you have an extra couple of thousand dollars in your pocket, take a ticket to New York or Los Angeles, Seattle or Chicago, look around and feel the unique atmosphere of this country, its charm and uniqueness ....

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