Where to go to Miskolc and what to see?


It is worth the tourists to throw the gaze just north of the capital of Hungary Budapest and the wonderful city of Miskolc immediately falls on his eyes. This large resort with historical monuments, rich cultural traditions and a developed tourist infrastructure is located right on both shores of the Sintea River, at the foot of the Mountain Massif Boekk. The city has gained popularity among tourists thanks to the cave bathhouse of Miskolc-Tapolets, which is just 7 kilometers from the center of Miskolts. The feature of the bathing is its unusual location inside the natural caves washed out of the thermal waters.

Historic center Belvaros

But the attractiveness of the Hungarian resort is not limited to alone. During the seven centuries, the existence of Miskolts, he was almost completely completely destroyed and reborn again from the ashes and ruins. And with all and at the same time the city managed to preserve his heart in a unique state - Historic center Belvarosh . For travelers who want to expand their horizons and see the wonderful architectural buildings, it is this part of the city and will be the most interesting. Just the remaining areas of the Miskolts are not so rich in vintage buildings and curious sights. So I advise you to get acquainted with an attractive resort start with a cozy Belvoice. Moreover, the entertaining and informative walk through the city of the city will not take long time from travelers. In fact, everything interesting is compactly located within the pedestrian street of Ishthan Sechens, which resumes in the city station. By the way, the building of the Tia Station is considered one of the architectural monuments of the city. But as for me, it is quite enough to inspect it outside and move on to the town hall area, surrounded by much more interesting buildings, such as a city town with a baroque palace. From the Town Hall, you can walk before Miskolts art gallery , located in the renovated house of Rakoki on Ferenz Deak Street, 3. In the Baroque-style mansion, there are exhibitions of modern Hungarian artists and the canvas of the Great Painters are exhibited. The gallery is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 about 18:00. The basic input ticket to the gallery costs 300 forints. During the period of valuable exhibitions, the cost of the ticket is increasing.

During walking distance to the gallery, tourists can deviate a little from the route and admire City National Theater On Déryné utca, 1. His old building, built of stone in 1856, can be inspected from the outside. Inside the theater, tourists can get only in a new building, where, however, all performances are held. Internally, the decoration of the modern building is more expensive, and it is located right behind the old building of the theater. If you want to see the production, you will have to spend at least 900 forints. Approximately such a cost of tickets in the most ancient theater of Hungary.

Calvinist Church and Dweller Castle

Cannot be bypass Calvinist Church of Miskolts located at the foot of the hill Avish. Initially, the church building was built in the 1410 year in the Romanesque style, but since then it has been repeatedly rebuilt and complemented. The current appearance of the cathedral fully corresponds to the Gothic style. The concomitant church building serves as a bell tower with a few noticeable clock.

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Those who wish to go inside the church will be able to evaluate a modest, but beautiful wooden interior and colored stained glass windows in huge arched windows. The main wealth of the Calvinist Church is the body, and a feature - wooden shops. Benches designed by workshop, originally intended the royal family. The opposite of them from the sight of the shops served a shameful place to which people were sentenced to obscene behavior.

The church surrounds a cemetery with the tombstones of famous Hungarians. The inspection of this memorial place will take about 20-25 minutes. From the National Theater to the Church, you can walk on foot in half an hour. Inspect this place inside can be completely free.

Distract from the inspection of historical monuments and at the same time delicious to eat Square Sinis Terrace. In addition to numerous cafeteria and restaurants on the terrace there are two monuments and a staircase leading to a small waterfall. At night, the waterfall due to the backlight looks fabulously.

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As for the monuments, one of them is a shop with three chatting girls. By the way, it is called "Girls from Miskolts".

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The second monument is set by the most famous search and rescue dog of Hungary. And named, respectively, in honor of the very shepherd manc.

The next attraction, visited by all guests of the resort, is located on the outskirts of the Miskolts at the foot of the Mountain of the UKK. it Majestic castle dweor . A huge scale of the fortress is partially renovated.

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A knightly hall and a castle chapel with an observation platform are open to visitors. On the territory of the castle, folk festivities are often held with a fair and knightly tournaments. In the castle museum, tourists can explore the collection of weapons preserved since the time of the castle buildings, and to visit the exposition that reveals the history of the strengthening of Dweschore.

Acquaintance with the lock accurately takes a half. You can visit this main landmark of the city on any day from 9 am to 5 pm. A ticket for a walk through Dwyshidar is 1500 forints. You can get to the fortress on a city bus.

And also, the image of the fortress can be detected on the 200-forint of the bill.

In Miskolz, you can still explore a couple of churches and visit several museums. In general, the journey will be rich in impressions. The main thing is to make it and allocate time not only on the bathing, but also on the remarkable corners of the resort.

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