The most interesting excursions in Cassandra.


Being on vacation on the territory of Cassandra, it is necessary to allocate travel time. On Cassandra itself, as such an ancient attractions, not much, or rather alone. Most of those are located outside the Halkidiki Peninsula. These are Thessaloniki, Dion, Mount Olympus, Athens, etc.

The sign attraction of Cassandra is Petrolon. A small village that is attractive for tourists in that the cave in the middle of the 20th century has been opened in the mid-20th century. In this cave, archaeologists found the remains of an ancient man - Archantrop and the very first focus, in which the ancient diluted fire. You can arrange a trip to the cave yourself, renting the car, or use the services of tourist firms of the village in which you relax, or the hotel guide. Typically, this trip is timed to a trip to thessaloniki, but there are separate tours. I traveled myself. By car you drive up only for the foot of the mountain, where the cave is located. Then you have to rise either on foot 15-20 minutes, or on the train, the cost of which one euro. On the territory of the cave there is a small atropological museum with the remains of the animals found in the cave, which in the form of statues you can see before entering Petralon.

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In the cave itself it is very cool. Temperature of about 15 degrees. Works museum from 9 to 18 hours. It is better to go early when the sun is not so much blends or closer to the evening. In the cave itself, we are taken to photograph forbidden. There, of course, beauty. For tourists did everything to attract them as much as possible. In addition to natural stalagtites and stalagmites, the museum staff are organized by scenes, telling about the life and being of ancient people. I can not say that the trip shook and was insanely interesting, but that I did not regret here. Something similar was to see in Georgia in Satolio. In Georgia, they argue that it is on their territory, and not in Greece, the remains of the first ancient man are found. Who is right? Unknown.

On the way to Petralon, a very calorite hotel was caught, filled with the Kremlin on Red Square. He was called Sremlino.

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As for other trips from Cassandra, I highly recommend visiting Athos. I bought a tour not at the guide, but in a street travel agency for 35 euros. As a result, approximately 15 euros saved. True, he fell into a group with tourists from Serbia and the excursion took place in English. The tour suggested a trip to the port of Uranopulis, and then travel along the shores of the Athos closed by the Monastic Republic on the tourist boat. The excursion lasted about 2 hours. During this time, we presented several existing monasteries, including the Russian named after St. Pantheliaman. Athos himself is closed for tourists. The woman never went to the holy land, and men let go there, but only on a visa. In fact, Athos is a country in the country. Upon arrival in Uranopulis you will give you free time. You can dine in one of the numerous taverns, or go through local shops and acquire souvenirs with religious topics as a gift. Interesting and cognitive excursion. The main advantage is to go not far. From Cassandra about 40 minutes - an hour.

In Petrollon and Athos, you can go with children, but in more distant tours, for example, I do not advise meteroore or Dion. For adults, this is a test, and for active and energetic children to spend five hours on the bus will be torture. Adults greatly recommend visiting Kalambaku, namely, meteor. This terrain in the Fessenian valley is known for about 10th centuries what they were driven by the Arabs, the Christian monks were settled in the mountains. They were later and organized the monasteries on the tops. Today, there are six of them - 2 women and 4 male. The cost of the tour in the meteor per person is 50 euros. Get about 5 hours one way. Departure from the hotel at 5 am. We arrive back only to dinner. But ..... The trip certainly will not be for you uninteresting. Impressions will remain for life. Meteor is one of UNESCO World Heritage Site. Noteworthy monasteries in that they are "hanging" in the air. No wonder in the translation of meteor means - soaring in the clouds. Monasteries as if frozen between heaven and land.

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Inside them full asceticism. You will see the huge sizes of the barrel, into which the monks collected rainding water, because there were no other sources of water. See the lift, with the help of which the food and the monks themselves were up to the top. The rise for the latter was very dangerous, because in wind weather, the grid beat the rocks. You can now go upstairs on steps and wooden pavements. The rise takes about 20 minutes. During the travel, the guide tells the story of the formation of meteors, you will be brought along the way to a shopping center, where you can buy icons. Export of them is allowed. They are noteworthy in that it is made on the tree, painting hand-made and covered with icons from above Golden crumb. The guide in the bus arranged a lottery on the tickets, which was given us in the mall. As a result, I became a happy owner of the icon with the face of the Holy Virgin and Baby. Despite the duration of the journey and fatigue, the trip really liked and impressed. Not at all sorry for the time spent on this journey.

If you are not afraid of long journeys, you can still go to Dion and Mount Olympus. Dion is an old Greek city, which, within the tour, visit the first, and then go to the village of Litohoro and already from there to the foot of Olympus.

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Before the top of the mountain will have to be climbing for another three hours. Typically, organized tours do not assume rise. Therefore, if you want to conquer the mountain of the gods, see all the beauty of Greece from a height of more than 3 thousand meters, then travel yourself. At the top of Olympus, or rather one of his vertices, there is a campsite in which you can stay at night, that is, it is not necessary to drive awheel. Here such beauty to which time should be allocated. And this trip can be addressed in visiting the town of Paralia Katerini, known as the "fur coat" city. If you are going yourself, without a guide, you can buy a fur coat with a good discount. Travel boldly. Thread decently. Well, 400 euros can accurately.

Many places in which you can travel from Cassandra. Be sure to visit thessaloniki. This is a city in love with the first visit. It is worth seeing the symbol of the city - the White Tower, Arch and Rotonda Galery, Cathedral of St. Dimitria and other attractions. You can also visit the local market, this is also a kind of sight of the city.

Cassandra has both rest and pleasant journey to different directions of continental Greece.

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