What time is it better to go to rest on the Northern Mariana Islands?


What time is it better to go to rest on the Northern Mariana Islands? 17113_1

The climate on the Northern Mariana Islands is determined mainly by the cyclicity of trade winds characteristic of the tropical climate of West Oceania. Despite the fact that two islands chains with a total length of more than 640 kilometers stretched from north to south, weather conditions depending on the season of the year on all the islands of the archipelago, very similar.

So, on the islands allocate two main season of the year: wet and dry.

The maximum amount of precipitation falls from the middle of the summer until the beginning of the winter. Moisture comes to the region mainly in the form of strong tropical rains that go at night. Only occasionally daily heat can interrupt a powerful tropical shower, which is not more than half an hour. Travelers should know that in the rainy season on the islands there are strong typhoons. In the rainy season, the average air temperature on the islands is from +33 to +37 degrees, while the humidity of the air does not fall below 90%. Such a climate is extremely undesirable for small children and people having cardiovascular diseases. The cost of rest during this period is the lowest.

What time is it better to go to rest on the Northern Mariana Islands? 17113_2

In December, the dry season begins on the islands, which lasts until the end of June. The average daily air temperature is +27 degrees. During this period, there is a pleasure to relax on the islands, because a steady cool breeze is blowing from the sea. The peak of the tourist season coincides with the New Year holidays, the cost of accommodation in hotels at this time takes off several times, compared with prices in the rainy season. Only by the beginning of the spring prices are slightly decreasing. It is from March to May, economical tourists can enjoy on the islands not only exceptional weather, but also quite acceptable prices for accommodation and food.

What time is it better to go to rest on the Northern Mariana Islands? 17113_3

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