Useful information about the holiday in Aarhus.


Numerous tourists chose Aarhus because of his cognitive opportunities, as well as interesting and exciting attractions. Some travelers come here in order to see the famous churches complex, located one over the other, and the nicknamed "Russian Matryoshka". Other Aarhus attracts their tragic history and tie with Vikings. However, regardless of what attracted tourists to this lively and a little bitten city, all of them may need the following information:

  • Weather . In Aarhus, a soft marine climate dominates, thanks to which the winter in the local places are not frosty, and summer daynings will practically be divided into warm and cooled. And on warm days, the air warms up only to + 24⁰c. So the sultry heat will certainly not prevent tourists to inspect the sights and make hiking in the city. By the way, going to rest in Aarhus, it will be worth it to grab a umbrella or rain with him. It will not take a lot of space in the road bag, and it may well come in handy. The fact is that in Aarhus all year round is holding high humidity and is quite often the fog, and in the summer months there is often drizzling rain.

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  • Urban transport. Despite the fact that Aarhus is considered the second largest city in Denmark, it can be easily walking around in just one day. In principle, many tourists do it - making acquaintance with the city on their two. Nevertheless, in some cases, travelers will be more convenient to take advantage of public transport. For example, to get to the nearest beach or the Prehistoric Museum Moesh City, more conveniently on the bus number six. And the ticket for travel can be purchased directly inside the bus through a special machine.

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It will cost approximately 17 crowns and will be valid for two hours. And this means that tourists can make trips on any urban bus in any direction in this time interval. By the way, in Aarhus buses are divided into yellow and red. The first (yellow) go very slowly and make a lot of stops. Red buses stop less often and quickly reach the outskirts of Aarhus. Those who plans to often use the bus can buy a special map of Arhus Pass for 139 crowns. It makes it possible for 24 hours to make an unlimited number of bus trips plus allows you to visit some museums for free or with a significantly discount.

In addition to buses around the city and the surroundings you can move on a bike - main local transport. Rent a two-wheeled friend is at all easy at the rental point or one of the city's cycling. The pledge for the bike is 23 crowns. You can find one of the rolled points on mejlgade, 41. However, about the rental bike can be asked at the hotel where tourists stopped for the night. Some boarding houses provide a popular transportation to guests for the period of residence.

Available in Aarhus and taxi. Its services are cheaper than other popular resorts of Denmark, but also to call them is extremely difficult. During the daytime, Taxi travel will cost at least 35 crown tourists, and at night 45 crowns will grow up the fare and it is at best.

  • Accommodation. You can stay for overnight stay in Aarhus in a luxury hotel, a hostel or campsite. It all depends on the preferences of travelers and their financial capabilities. Accommodation near the center will cost tourists in 140 kroons per night. You can choose the option of cheaper in the port zone, in proximity to the city center and not far from nature. As for the campgrounds, both are located outside the city, moreover, lovers of outdoor activities can only stay in them from mid-March to mid-October. During the rest of the year, the hostels of Aarhus await economical travelers. There is another option overnight chairs - "Bed & Breakfast), which is a room in a private house. Often, such accommodation chooses young people. The cost of such a night is low and all the necessary conditions are available.
  • Internet and communications . All hotels, hostels and even Campgrounds Aarhus provide tourists free Internet. As for Wi-Fi access in the city, it is only available in the Internet cafe and for money. With telephone connection, the situation is better. Topphones have been installed throughout the city, allowing international calls to anywhere in the world. Pay the conversation with the house can be card or coins. For sale telephone cards in newspaper stalls and in the post office on Banegårdspladsen, 1a. I note that the post office works without days off on weekdays until 18:00, and on Sunday to 13:00.
  • Tip. It is not accepted to leave tips in restaurants and cafes. First, the size of the middle account for dinner is usually great in itself. Secondly, the service surcharge is always included in the account, and additional gratitude will be unnecessary.
  • Safety. On weekdays, the city is absolutely safe for tourists. Minor incidents usually happen on Friday and Saturday, when local residents allow themselves to relax with a glass of a hot drink in pubs and bars after a busy work week. Then, on the basis of misunderstanding between local residents and visitors, quarrels and fights sometimes occur. And yet, lonely tourists should abandon later walks on the outskirts of Aarhus and within the student town. In the evening, in these areas of the city is unsafe as opposed to the center.

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As for theft, then most often tourists are faced with him during the period of one of the largest art festivals of Denmark, or rather, from the end of August to mid-September. It is during this period that travelers should show vigilance and not to wear large amounts of money with them. Moreover, the theft during the festival happens not only in crowded places, but also in the hostels of the city.

Unexpected fines can spoil the impressions of rest in Aarhus. In this Danish town, it is very strictly related to environmental safety. Tourists can finf by cigarette, abandoned on the pavement or for a flower in the park. So do not litter and smoke in public places.

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