Diving on Chinchorro Bank


It turns out you can surprise not only newcomers, but also sophisticated divers. One of these places was provided by Chinchorro Bank in Mexico, where special permission is required.

But it started, it is rather trite. Another trip to Mexico to Yucatan was planned, to rummate once again in the Senot and at the same time visit Belize next country for diving. In search of those who can organize there the trip accidentally stumbled upon a dive dm diving center, which is positioned as a Russian dive center in Mexico. Since there was no more than 8 months in Mexico between trips to Mexico, because Before that, they did not hear anything about them.

As a result, their employees offered to go to Chinchorro instead of Belize and promised a full "brain removal." Compared with the planned spending on Belize, it was even slightly economted.

Arriving in place from where the boats go to Chinchorro there was the most fun, it is one and a half hour crossing to the end point by sea. It was especially interesting how you can spend the night on the bank itself, because there is practically no information about the possibility of overnight stay. As a result, arriving at the place and making the first dive immediately fell in love with this place. But it turned out only the beginning. The house was on the water was his native hotel 5 * with the system all inclusive. Under all, it is understood as the presence of crocodiles, orlyakov, about Yaguan can not be mentioned at all, etc .. it is clear that there, except for communication on the radio through a small island and the mainland there was nothing.

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Overnight failed to say good, hence nothing. In the middle of the Caribbean Sea within a radius of 15 km without communication only light from the moon and portable light bulbs, in general, solid romance and extreme in the good sense of the word.

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The next day, finishing the laid dive was waiting for a return to civilization. And in general, completely captures the spirit when you understand that there is no one around from divers. Only you and the living sea. Be sure to schedule there will return back in a year and all the same, then to accurately go to Belize for comparison.

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