Rest in Gibraltar: Useful Information


Traveling around the city-state, which can be entirely driven by the car for only forty minutes, has a number of features. And they are primarily connected with the dimensions of Gibraltar, its unusual flora and fauna and, in the end, with the mixing of cultures and traditions in the territory of the Zamar British resort. So, knowledge of which things will help to make rest with pleasant and fascinating.

Intorodskoy transport Gibraltar

You can move on Gibraltar on foot, but it is tedious and not always appropriate. Few people from tourists will enjoy walking under the scorching sun from one end of the city to another, even despite the small length of the route. So the sights do not want to watch, I'm not talking about pleasant impressions and positive emotions. However, the exception is the main street of Gibraltar - Maine Street. It can only move on its two. However, due to the abundance of splashing trees, creating a shadow, and cozy areas of rest with the tables, walking through Maine Street turns into a pleasant pastime.

As for the car, it is extremely inconvenient to ride on Gibraltar. Maneuvers around the narrow streets, riding the steep hills, problems with parking and traffic jams at the entrance (tightened to two hours) can only spoil the mood. In addition, the police, however, like traffic lights, a lot in Gibraltar. Nevertheless, if it will still be decided to move around the British resort by car, it should be noted that on the streets of Gibraltar there is a right-sided movement for most travelers. Even pedestrians warns the inscription on Zebra:

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The most convenient and economical transport of Gibraltar, in my opinion, is the bus. You can, of course, use a taxi, but it will be more wasteful. City buses ride over seven routes, originating on the income area and diverge to all the sights of the resort. You need to determine which bus number specifically you can with the help of an information booth installed near the bus stop on the square. The interval between the buses is a maximum of 20 minutes, and the cost of the passage costs 0.75-1.5 pounds. Ride buses from 7 am to 9 pm.

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In Gibraltar there is another type of transport that facilitates local residents and tourists to climb the habitat of adverse monkeys. This is the most ordinary funicular, a ticket to which costs 10.50 pounds. In addition, the cable car provides an additional service "Wi-Fi on top". Those who wish to take advantage of the worldwide web on a rock can purchase an additional ticket with a personal password to Wi-Fi for 3 pounds. After activating the password, access to the Internet will be possible for three hours. I note that such a ticket is buying many tourists.

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Important little things about Gibraltar

The official language in Gibraltar is expected English. But in some situations, the Spanish phrasebook may well need to travelers. The fact is that Spanish in the city is distributed on a par with English. And if most of the indigenous gibralists speak fluently in two languages, then the arrivals of shops and restaurants often understand only Spanish. And then tourists will have to express on the fingers or resorted to the help of a phrasebook.

Tip. In Gibraltar, no one canceled them. In restaurants, cafes and taxi drivers it is customary to retain 10% of the account amount.

With a telephone connection in Gibraltar, there will be no problems. Famous red telephone booths are installed throughout the city. Most of the automatic telephones allows you to make calls abroad. Payphones are working on plastic cards that are sold in kiosks, shops and in the tourist information center on the casemate area. The international call will cost tourists about one pound. As for the Internet, then besides the rock, it has in many establishments on Maine Street.

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Safety at the Overseas Resort

The crime rate in Gibraltar is low, but the elementary attentiveness of tourists does not prevent. It should be especially vigilant to their personal belongings during the folk festivals and festivals passing on the income area. Pocket thefts in the city rarely, but still happen.

Care worth showing and during walks around the reserve. Crash monkeys skillfully steal mobile phones, cameras and valuables. Cute macaques allow themselves to photograph, while their conifers devastate left by tourists without supervision of handbags and packages. Little tourists have admirable thieves snatch sweets and fruits straight from the hands, and can even bite. Be careful with monkeys call on numerous posters throughout the reserve.

Tourist problems may arise not only by the fault of Macak. Often travelers simply ignore warning signs raised around the city and on a rock, that feeding the gibraltar animals is prohibited. As a result, the offenders receive a warning, and sometimes they even forced to pay a fine of 4 thousand pounds.

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Visiting Gibraltar is possible without any mandatory vaccinations. However, given that in the excursion program in the resort, an inevitable point will be a walk on the rock and a reserve for his own peace of mind, tourists are desirable to make a preventive vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis. In the event that, primary assistance in the hospital CENT-Bernard travelers will be free, but it is better to progress in advance.

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