What time is it better to rest in Mandalay?


From the point of view of a tourist, looking for a rest near the warm ocean waves, the former Burma - the current Myanmar is very successful: a significant part of its territory stretches along the Bengal Bay and the Andaman Sea. However, it would be unfair to consider that on this its charm and ends. Night, on the contrary. It is very easy to climb and get a huge portion of cultural pleasure, because in Myanmar land there are many striking architectural structures - pagodas, temples, statues, etc. It is here that the world treasury is - the center of Buddhism: Mandalay.

What time is it better to rest in Mandalay? 17025_1

This administrative district of Myanmar is also described by the fact that he turned out to be the last residence of local kings, as well as he is the "silver" winner in its size (following Yangon). Mandalay's central location has its advantages, and from here you can, of course, without difficulty getting into the coastal resort cities. But do not hurry. A smooth tropical climate is pleasant even a Europeans (if it is not a "wet" season) and allows you to get acquainted with local wonders in comfortable conditions. The subequatorial winter is expressed in not very pleasant and, most importantly, protracted shoes, so Come to Mandalay better from November to May. The January temperature in the district fluctuates on average within +21 .. + 23, but all summer (or tropical winter) in addition to the rain, there is also a heat-suffocating for foreign tourists - for +40. If you are supposed to travel with children, then, perhaps, the optimal time is January and February. There are no precipitation at all, the air temperature is about +33, at night - about +20. So you do not need to take too many clothes with you. However, if the wet weather with high temperature does not scare, then you can go on the road and in the summer months, especially since the essential plus of such a tour will be savings, because the main influx of tourists is still the same for months from autumn to spring. And for inspection of the inner decoration, for example, the temple complexes of pouring rain - not a hindrance. Thus, the Central Palace with a Fort, which has more than 90 halls, simply strikes the imagination with luxury and grace, and all the details of the interiors were reproduced not only by photographs, but also thanks to the manuscripts made on palm leaves.

What time is it better to rest in Mandalay? 17025_2

And yet, to get complete satisfaction from the trip to Mandalay, it is better to plan a tour not on the "wet" season. Brilliant in sun rays White with gold Numerous islandic roofs of pagodas are beautiful - without unnecessary words. In turn, on the Mandalay Hill, which represents a whole complex from the amazing structures, to which 1,729 steps are conducted, of course, it is better to rise in dry weather than under a torrential rain. In Mandalay itself, there is something to see - at least outside, even in. What is only an incomparable monastery. However, in the dry season to travel well in the suburbs. For example, Amarapura, which stands on the shores of Lake Tungtaman, is famous for the tomb of kings, but also the longest bridge in the light, made of teak - it stretches for 1200 meters.

What time is it better to rest in Mandalay? 17025_3

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