Features of the rest in Mandalay


After Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem under the name "Mandalay", the whole world learned about this city. Although there is probably: in Mandalay wanted to everyone and urgently after the Sinatra (song "On the Road to Mandalay" was sweetly (the song "On the Road to Mandalay", listen if you didn't hear), and then Robbie Williams in 2000. In the Soviets about Mandalay, they also sang, but this song did not become a hit, probably because the littleness is good. Unlike the song of the Handwood Robbie - this simple motive in the year of release and another five-year plan after did not disperse only the lazy (maybe, being not aware that it is for the song and who sings it, but "Pam-Pam-Para-A" -Ra-Raaam-Pam-Pama "know everything, and you too).

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In general, Mandalay may be, in view of the pretty name suitable for the rhyme, melded one way or another, in songs and verses more than once around the world. And the place is more interesting! The city of Mandalay was founded in 1857. Once he was the capital of the Burmese Empire (Myanmar), but today Mandalay, perhaps the most real Cultural Center of the country with near sightseeing.

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Mandalay - big and chaotic. About a third of the population Mandalay - the Chinese, many of which emigrated here after independence gained in 1948. The row of the buildings dilapidated by the Japanese in 1942-1945 were redeemed and restored by the Chinese, and thank you for it. Accordingly, there is a big mandala Chinatown With a very busy night bazaas.

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In addition to the bazaar, in Mandalay, as I wrote above, there are a lot of entertaining sights. Many are located on the outskirts of the city, and the famous Mandalay Hill - in the north. It is impossible not to mention the Mandalay Palace (Mandalay Palace) - the last Royal Palace of the Burmese kings. And also - pagodas scattered throughout the city, in which are very important from a historical point of view of statues and relics, which are quite likely older than Mandalay himself. The "filling" of the pagoda was brought from all over Asia - from India, China and other countries. Pagoda is more often focused in certain areas, and therefore other "cities" - Chinatown or Little India, for example, have risen at these points. All this is unofficially, but "country in the country" is always interesting.

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Mandalay still searches for its place in the new Myanmar, but a slower pace, than his older brother Yangon. But, if that, Mandalay - the second largest city in Myanmar. Tourist infrastructure here is more or less developed, in the city there is sufficient number of good hotels (But it could be more, given the size of the city), as well as the budget gesthouses, which are mainly on the west side of the city, close to the Mandalay Palace. The eastern part of the city boasts several hotels at reasonable prices, as well as high-class hotels and local guest houses, which are still forbidden to accept foreigners.

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The city is almost in the center of the country, but still closer to neighboring countries, so Culinary diverse During the story, other cultures influenced a little. The main thing is to find the right places. But it is definitely impossible to leave Mandalay, without visiting the Birmansky tea, the Shansky restaurant (Shang - the people in the northeast of Myanmar, and there is such a state in Burma), as well as a Chinese or Indian restaurant (or at least try the Indian Roth's Pellets in a street kiosk). It is worth noting that in Mandala not so much street food, compared to other cities of Myanmar, but still most restaurants offer food at really low prices (at least, it is cheaper than in Yangon).

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Nightlife in Mandalay - the phenomenon is almost no existing. Yes, there are several bars that work almost until midnight - but they can be counted on the fingers. Most of all beer bars (and tea bars as well) are open after dinner, and many of them are located in the area of ​​the Diamond Plaza shopping center (at the same time most bars are built along 77th Street).

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Attractions and entertainment in Mandalay - throughout the city, it is difficult to allocate some kind of main tourist center. It is better to take the card at the hotel where everything is accommodated - where to go and what to do. Most hotels and guest houses will be offered to you, and these cards can be quite good or quite terrible (at the Gold Yadanar Hotel, such as guests are offered very cool cards with a good list of hotels, restaurants and attractions throughout the city).

Be prepared for the fact that there will be no attractions next to your hotel or the guest house, so you will take a lot of time and effort. It is best to make friends with a taxi driver, give him dollars to 25-30, and let him ride you all day, showing all the most interesting.

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Mandalay is also known for the fact that there are several ancient cities next to him, such as Ava (Inva), Mingong, Sagin and Amarapura . They are not only a whole bunch of interesting attractions - there is just great to escape from the noise and fuss Mandalay. For several tens of dollars, you can persuade a taxi driver to take you to these cities and tell a little about them.

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In principle, visit all these old beautiful cities you can in one day (if you leave early in the morning and come back late in the evening). Believe me, such an excursion will not disappoint you for sure.

If you shake in the neighboring villages to you laziness, then there is a lot of entertaining in the city itself. Most objects "Mast-Si" in Mandalay can be seen in one or two days. But still, both Mandalay, and the neighboring towns - I think, three days for this all will be enough full.

I would recommend to explore Mandalay By cycling , not on the bike. And in general, it is better to prefer hiking - then you will have a chance to get a clearer and vivid picture of Mandalay, and you may understand why many call this city are much more suitable for Yangon.

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By the way, in fact, the pace of life in Mandalay is slower, people here are a little more friendly, and the atmosphere is calmer. Many tourists assure that if they could move on permanent residence in Myanmar, they would prefer exactly mandala. I do not think that it is worth putting some other arguments in favor of Mandalay. Just say that this city deserves more attention than the transit point on the way from the Bagan in Inle.

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