What money is best to go to Gibraltar?


Tourists planning a trip to Gibraltar should consider that this cozy resort is at the same time a state. And this means that its own currency is walking on the territory of Gibraltar - Gibraltar Pound . In the circulation there are bills with a par value of 5, 10, 20, 50 pounds:

What money is best to go to Gibraltar? 17009_1

As well as coins in dignity in 5, 10, 20, 50 pence and 1 pound:

What money is best to go to Gibraltar? 17009_2

There are still single and two-fledged coins, but I could not meet them. Neither in the same store and ticket office at sights could not be asked to the 2 pounds of interest to me.

The equal monetary unit of the city-state is both the British pound sterling, which, without any questions, is accepted for payment for the services performed and perfect purchases. The local pound is equal to British in a 1: 1 ratio.

In souvenir shops and most stores, tourists can pay to the euro, but due to the overestimated course, the purchase will cost more than per pounds. By the way, in the shops of the Spanish network COVIRAN prices are indicated both in pounds and in euros. Increases tourist expenses and the minimum conversion commission of 5%, which is automatically added to the amount of the check when paying in any foreign currency. Given this, many travelers, even those who arrived in Gibraltar for one day, try immediately after passing the border to convert the brought currency to the Gibraltar pounds. True, for one-day travelers, a hike to a bank or exchanger is duplicated twice during the day. And all due to the fact that the local currency is non-convertible and used for calculations only on Gibraltar. The money remaining after visiting the Zamar British Resort will be quite difficult to exchange, anywhere on the euro, dollars and especially rubles. Here are the prudent tourists and try to get rid of local pounds before leaving Gibraltar.

What money is best to go to Gibraltar? 17009_3

Banks and exchange offices

Find several banks and exchange offices can be on the casemate. It is here that exchangers with the most profitable course are concentrated. In the house number 175 is a small item. Scala currency exchange where you can successfully acquire Gibraltar pounds.

In general, a large number of banks are presented in the small territory of Gibraltar. Branches of banks work from Monday to Friday. The working day in them begins at 9:00 and usually lasts until 15:30. The exception is Friday. Contrary to a common rule that this day of the week can be abbreviated, in Gibraltar on Friday, banking staff is delayed at work for an hour longer (Bank until 16:30 works).

Exchange points in Gibraltar work without weekends and breaks from 9 am to 6 pm.

Bank cards

In Gibraltar, there will be no problems with the payment of services and purchases by bank cards. In hotels, restaurants and other places, Visa, Eurocard and MasterCard is accepted. You can remove the cash everywhere, ATMs are scattered throughout the city. The easiest way to find ATMs on Maine Street. Here they come across every corner.

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