Features of rest in Antananarive


Antananarivo - the capital of Madagascar . Until 1977, the city was called Tananarive (or abbreviated by Tana). By the way, the local population is still called its capital just Tana.

This city does not have a very rich history, it was founded in the XVII century. The founder is considered the king of the exhibitory state with the original name - Andrianzak. The city itself began with a small fortress, which then began to fulfill the role of the royal residence. The name of the city from the Merine language is translated about as "a thousand villages" or in another version of the "city of thousands of warriors". In the XIX century, the city becomes the capital of the United Madagascar. But the most interesting thing is that stone buildings were not built in this capital for a long time. The fact is that in 1825 by the Decree of the Queen of Ranavaluna I, the construction of stone houses was prohibited. The exception was only the Royal Palace of Ruva (Rov). What is logical - who forbid the kings?

Only by the end of the XIX century after the expulsion of the Queen of Ranavaluni III, the city receives the name of Tananarive and becomes the center of the French colony. It was at that time that the University of Madagascar was founded here.

After receiving Madagascar of Independence in 1960, according to the established tradition, the capital becomes the capital of an independent state.

In general, the climate Antananarium can be called soft, due to a relatively large height (from 1200 then 1470 meters above sea level). Also, the sea and the ocean surrounding Madagascar are also somewhat softening. The softness of the climate in Antananarium also contributes to the fact that the city is located in the valley between the two hills.

The rainy season lasts from November to March, the so-called "dry season" has a period from May to September a month. Two more months (April and October) are as if transient. Wet months are more warm and theoretically more comfortable for recreation (if you do not pay attention to the rain and high humidity). After all, constant rains interfere with visiting the landmarks of the country and certainly do not make it possible to make colorful photos. At the same time, the dry season is characterized by pleasant warm days, but cool enough for Africa at night (7-10 ° C). In general, the weather here is difficult to choose ...

Antananarivo can offer its guests a sufficient number of attractions that will seem interesting. The most famous is the building of the Rainilaiaryarivani Palace, built for the queen in 1828. Currently, the Palace is the operating residence of the President of the country.

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An interesting attraction of the capital is the Zuma market (name, by the way, translates as "Friday"). On the market you can buy original things from local producers.

Both adults and children will have to have a big zoobotanzazazazazazaza garden. This zoo has been almost 100 years old (about it briefly slightly lower).

Be sure to see the amazing lake Anusi. Its unusual is that the water in the lake lilac color.

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The main feature of Antananarivo is that it can sometimes be impressed as if you are somewhere in France. The influence of the fact that Madagascar has been a French colony for some time. One of the best hotels in the city of Hotel de France. On the colorful streets, Antananarivo, the business come across shops with inscriptions "Made in France", there are inscriptions in French. Moreover, many streets have French names. In the city often, old cars "Renault" and "Citroen" are often driving. Here is the French Spirit.

The architecture of Antananarium is largely tied to natural features (remind, the city stands on two picturesque hills). Here are mostly low at home, and it looks like they as if they rose up the slopes of the hills. The streets of the city form a quaint labyrinth with many terraces, arches and cozy parks. All this makes Antananarivo unique and extremely attractive for travelers.

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The city is divided into two parts: the upper city and the lower city.

The lower city is a shopping center where numerous markets and souvenir shops are located. It is in this area that the guests of the capital acquire exclusive items and things characteristic only for Madagascar Island. Also there is a railway station.

The upper city is a kind of keeper of cultural and historical traditions of Antananariva. Most architectural attractions are here and are located.

However, tourists from all over the world are going to admire not only and not so much the beauty of old buildings. In the capital of Madagascar is stunning Zoosad Zimbazaza where you can see rare and disappearing animals of the island, in particular, lemurs. In addition to lemurs, visitors to the park can look at large turtles and huge crocodiles. Tourists will surely be interesting to look at the Academic Museum located on the territory of Zooada - its main exhibits are skeletons of prehistoric animals.

And just a few kilometers from Antananarivo are the most interesting Perenets Reserve . Only here can be seen in the natural habitat of cute short-tailed lemurs. Unique are night trips organized in the reserve when travelers with their own eyes have a rare opportunity to observe these curious animals (it is no secret that Lemurs lead a night lifestyle).

Antananarivo is an ideal place to rest for tourists tired of city noise, as well as the abundance of water beach entertainment, which are widespread in most other resorts of the Indian Ocean. In this case, you can truly plunge into tropical exotic. Madagascar is generally a unique and unique island on the planet.

And what a variety of all sorts of exotic fruits! It can surprise any person. Among others, which are already accustomed to, this is Mango (but ripe, and not as in our supermarkets), lychee, Annon, unusual varieties of bananas, Guayava. These fruits must be trying.

By the way, the prices for food at Madagascar are very "pleasant" for the wallet. Although it is in Antananarium that are somewhat higher than in other cities and towns of the island. But, nevertheless, any tourist, not tightening its family budget, has the opportunity to try all local fruits and delicious delicacies during the stay on this wonderful island.

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