Is it worth going to Ermontes?


If you are traveling by Corfu, be sure to look at the wrong place called Ermones (Ermones). It is located in the quiet picturesque bay of the Ionian Sea on the North-West Bank of the Island, just 15 kirometers from the capital of Kerkira. If you can put it so, the resort is directly opposite Italy.

There is an ancient legend about this place. She says that a strong storm that was caused by Poseidon, threw out on this beach, the ship Odyssey when he returned to the ITAKA from swimming in Troy. The god of the seas and the oceans was angry due to the fact that Odyssey was deprived of the eyes of the Polyfem cyclopa (Son Poseidon). According to the legend, Saved and the challenged proud son, Eldlaces burned into the fallen foliage and fell asleep under olive trees.

However, Athena, which patronized Odyssey, sent an excellent woman to the beach. The daughter of Tsar Alkino with his maids went to the river flowing into the sea. There, they woke up Odyssey with her shouts and laugh. He came out to the girls, hiding behind only olive branch. Frightened, the maids fled, only nothing-haired.

Odyssey told her about what happened to the shipwreck and asked to help him get to the city. Novny agreed. She found clean clothes, after which everyone went to the city together.

There, Navigasy sent Odyssey to the palace of one and told how to meet with the king of Feakov, advising how to behave. Tsar Alkina met with the Odyssey and agreed to assist in returning to his homeland.

But it is a legend. truth lies in the fact that on the island of Corfu, on the edge of the valley of the Ropa is located Small beautiful Ermones bay (Greek - έρμονες). It is surrounded by rocky mountains from all sides, on a small pebble-sandy beach from the mountains flows a small stream.

Here, the old olives are growing on the slopes. The age of many of them is exactly at least a few hundred years. In addition, they are still fruit. And the land under olive trees, as in legend, is covered with a dense carpet from the opal foliage.

By the way, one of the taverns located on the beach of Ermontes is called " Nausica. "(In honor of Svikai, Savior Odyssey).

A sharp road with a staircase descends to the beach from the village. In the same place, there are all local bars and taverns on the beach. Slightly above, viewing terraces are built on the mountain slopes, from which the stunning sea panorama opens.

The beach of Ermones is small, mostly pebble, but there are several small sandy sites. For the convenience of holidaymakers on the beach there are booths for dressing and showers. You can rent lounge chairs and umbrellas at an additional cost. Also on the beach there are several water rides.

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Despite the fact that Ermones is not a very large resort, there is a large selection of marine entertainment. For example, ride a chalkboard for surfing, adrenaline will be the sea. You can also swim on catamarans (including children), ride water skiing, especially desperate will be able to take themselves with windsurfing or parasailing. Those who wish can rent the necessary equipment for the diving, so that it can be immersed to the depth and admire the underwater world of the Ionian Sea, whose beauty cannot be transmitted with the words. There are no sunny ships in this area, but the relief of the seabed is very interesting.

It is said that the bulk of the rooms in the hotels of Ermones will buy (book) large German tour operators. Actually, they kind of dominate the resort. And the Germans are really a lot here. Therefore, it is to buy a tour to Ermontes at home, most likely do not go. But since you have taken a hard decision to come to the island of Corfu, being on vacation, you can always come here for one or two days and enjoy the local nature, find the stream of Odyssey.

By the way, thanks to the Germans, the infrastructure is well developed in Ermones. Everything is designed for a full rest, especially with children.

The beach supports perfect cleanliness, as it is cleaned several times during the day. This applies to the whole resort in general.

Water here is flawlessly transparent, especially when the sea is calm. Standing on shallow water on such days can be observed for fish swimming nearby.

Ermontes is a stunning place with chic nature. . There are many greens, the village seems to be immersed in orange and olive gardens. It is here that you can relax perfectly, enjoying silence and unity with nature. The beach of Ermontes is an ideal place for those travelers who prefer a calm leisurely rest away from major cities and crowds of people. This one of the paradise corners of the island will have the best impressions and beautiful memories of the summer vacation.

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The resort is great for family holidays and recreation with children. Here, as already noted, clean beach. The entrance to the water is gentle, the depth does not start immediately.

Some hotels are located at the very top of the hills, so you can only get to the beach from the cable car. Maybe you are not a fan of skiing on the "cable", but your child will be just happy, take a journey to the seashore every day.

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The most favorable for beach holiday is the period from June to September. Although it is possible to sunbathe and swim from May of the month.

In Ermonta, a stunning nature. On the slopes of the hills grow grenades, wild pears, figs, apple trees, wild olives, mushmula, olive trees, kumkvat, schovets and others. Ermontes is considered a romantic place . It is pleasant to walk in the forest together in the shade of trees on overgrown paths ...

And even resting here, you can learn to ride horseback. To do this, simply take advantage of the professional services of instructors. It is believed that leisurely walks riding well soothe and help forget about their problems.

And after all, this is also not all.

Many go to Ermontes almost from all over Europe not for a beach holiday. But only in order to play golf. In this resort town, at the foot of the mountain range, in a wonderful valley Equipped with a great golf course . Here, even several times a year international competitions are held.

I believe that it is necessary to try to play this aristocratic game. At least one batch in golf.

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