Where to go in Sparta and what to see?


Ancient Sparta was one of the most important cities in Greece . Its glorious historical past is known not only in Europe, but also throughout the world. This ancient city-state at one time was the most powerful military force, and the valor of his warriors had no equal ...

Unfortunately, modern Sparta will not be able to please fans of ancient Greek history abundance of ancient attractions. Is that a few ancient ruins scattered around the city and exhibits collected in the Archaeological Museum ...

And, perhaps, the first thing tourists visit here is Tomb of Tsar Leonida , one of the most valiant rulers Sparta (the one who greatly played Gerard Butler in the famous Hollywood film). You can also see Statue of Leonida.

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Among the attractions of the city there is a unique and only object in its own way. He refers to the category of those that need to be seen. This is the same the rock with whom the Spartan children were discarded not suitable for its set. So to speak, the "rock of artificial selection".

From the past, Sparta's greatness to this day, fragments of some ancient structures have reached. In particular, you can see Acropolis Ancient Sparta . In ancient times, this hill traditionally was the economic and political center of the city.

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There is also located Ancient Roman Acropolis Theater (I-II century AD). It is considered the third in its size and one of the most impressive theaters of antiquity. Really a huge building (was), only some fragments are also preserved. It was when excavations on the territory of the Acropolis, the most valuable ancient artifacts and the rarest antiquities were discovered.

Not far from Acropolis, there is another monument of history - The ruins of the temple of Athens (VI century BC). From him, however, there is also little left. Time mercilessly.

If desired, you can visit Ruins of the Osios Nikon Monastery and the Byzantine Church. They are not as ancient as other objects, were built in the century, but today they can appear before visitors only in the form of ruins.

All the historical items found in the territory of Sparta found during archaeological excavations in the city Archaeological Museum Sparta . Some of them are part of the museum exposure and can be viewed. Museum hours: from Monday to Saturday (8:30 - 15:00) and on Sunday (9:30 - 14:30). The cost of the entrance ticket is 2 euros. The museum has a truly interesting collection: there are stunning Roman mosaic, bas-reliefs with a snake, marble warrior head, ceramic masks, weapons, Spartan shields and much more. It is necessary to go here.

In another part of the city settled Museum of Olive and Olive Oil . The museum may not be the most interesting in the world, but informative. How can I understand from the name, here are exhibits that are directly related to the cultivation of olives and the production of olive oil. Some very amazing. The museum is open to visitors all days, except Tuesday, from 10:00 to 18:00 (in the winter until 17:00). The cost of the ticket is also 2 euros. If you arrived in Sparta at least for several days, you can visit.

In the Sparta itself, there are no more attractions.

More interest is the surroundings of Sparta.

It is in the surrounding area of ​​the city to tourists will be a stunning opportunity to see the most important attraction. Ruins of ancient Sparta . The remains of the most ancient Greek settlement.

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There, on the way to Tripolis, you can see ruins of the sanctuary of Artemis Ortia . It is believed that it was in this place that Spartan boys passed their first endurance tests. Adult warriors seques them ridges to blood, and they, demonstrating resistance, should have been silent. It is it, Spartan Education!

About 5 kilometers from Sparta are located Ruins of Ancient Mycenaean settlement Menelion . I do not remember what age it is believed, but clearly before the emergence of the ancient Greek states.

On the other hand, Sparta (in the direction of the South-West) remained Ruins of the sanctuary of Appolona . If the word "persisted" applies to the ruins. The Temple of Apollo was one of the most important religious constructions of the Lacceedemon state. Let me remind you that the Sparta was called in official documents. To easier to navigate, look for a temple near the modern village of Amikle (about 7 km from Sparta).

More modern attractions that are in the vicinity of Sparta include Medieval castle Mistrace built on the top of the hill. Distance to it from the city - a little more than 5 kilometers.

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Mistrais is a kind of kind of castle. Not least interesting is that on the territory of the complex you can see both palace premises for the rich and nonsense homes of ordinary residents. Next to the castle there are several small churches: St. Evangelical, Saint Sophia, St. Athanasius, St. G. Zlatoust and St. Nicholas. All churches were built in the period from the XI century to the XIV century and are typical representatives of the Greek medieval church architecture.

Also in the vicinity of Sparta is located Stone monastery Perivleplove . It was founded in the XIV century. The same age dating his unique scenic frescoes, which depicts twelve Christian holidays. The monastery itself consists of one small church with three extensions.

Not far from the village of Geraki, you can consider once majestic medieval castle . Well how is the castle? Now there are only the ruins of a massive structure built here by the Baron Guy de Sielete at the beginning of the XIII century after the conquest of the Peninsula Crusaders. Now, walking on the ruins of the castle, you like the excursion to the past. On the territory of the castle to this day, several temples built in the Byzantine style, inside which there are beautiful murals.

This is perhaps all the sights of Sparta. Everything else can be attributed to other resorts of Greece.

Yes, perhaps Sparta will seem not very rich in the sights, but you will not have to miss you. History will show itself in all its glory.

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