Should I go to Sparta?


Sparta (Dr.-Greek. Σπάρτη) or Lacceedemon - The Great Ancient City-State in Greece in the south of Peloponnese Peninsula. Located in the Valley of Evrost. However, it was the name of Lacedaemon that always appeared in official documents.

Is it worth going to Sparta?

Have you watched the movie "300 Spartans"? The feat of the three hundred Spartans in the battle with the Persian army during Fermopils is not an artistic fiction at all.

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And what do you know about the great historical past Sparta?

Perhaps there is no state on the planet, so much fought throughout its history. Moreover, the main part of these wars was held in a bloody rivalry with other states of the Pyrenean Peninsula (read: territories of ancient Greece).

The emergence of Sparta as state refers to the XI century BC.

Everyone from school is known for the principle of the selection of boys into the future soldiers of Sparta, when squeezed babies were dumped from the rocks. The justice of this theory is not proven, but also not completely disproved. All children in Sparta were considered state ownership, at the head of the education system stood the task of the physical development of warriors.

Severe education based on strict discipline is now called Spartan.

A real fact is that after the victory in the hard war in 660 BC. Sparta forced to recognize her hegemony on the peninsula. And since then It is Sparta that is considered the first state of Greece!

But, as they say, not the wars are uniform ...

Ancient Sparta at one time was a sample of the aristocratic state. In it, Spartians (Dorians) represented a dominant estate, which artificially tried to restrain the development of private property. Perieki were free citizens, but at the same time politically powerless, and Iloti actually treated the category of state slaves.

The state of the state of the ancient Sparta was based on the principle of unity among equal citizens. For all there were clear regulation of life and life. What meant that Spartians (read - warriors) were obliged to be engaged exclusively by military affairs and sports. The duties of Ilotov and Periek was part of agriculture, handicrafts and trade. The foundations of this state system laid the King Likurg, which allowed from Sparta in the IX century BC. Create a powerful military power.

It is still interesting. Sparta always ruled two kings at the same time (from the Agadov dynasty and the Eurgristid dynasty). If the war began, then one of the kings went hiking, and the second remained in Sparta.

As the state of Sparta ceased to exist in 146 BC. Then all Greece turns under the rule of Rome. In memory of the former glory of Athens and Sparta, the right to self-government is provided.

Anyway, every person who studied ancient history knows about Sparta. Those who have not studied an ancient history in school, they still heard about Sparta - for sure they watched the famous Hollywood film about the feat of the Spartan Warriors. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of this ancient city in world history ...

Nowadays Sparta is a resort town. And in the peak of the tourist season, the guests gladly takes guests. The surroundings here are very beautiful, stunning nature, especially picturesque road leading to Kalamat. If you want to go to the Mediterranean Sea from Sparta, you will definitely be able to enjoy views from the window.

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This city is the visiting card of the entire Peloponnese Peninsula. First of all, thanks to the role that Sparta has played in the history of all Greece for many centuries.

In modern Sparta, there are practically no traces of the former greatness. At the beginning of the XIX century, the city was almost completely rebuilt. Therefore, the abundance of the historical sights of Sparta is hardly pamping. It will take no more than a few hours to inspect the main cultural objects, after which it will have to study the surroundings.

Actually, in the vicinity of the city, travelers will be able to visit the main attraction. It - Ruins of ancient Sparta . That Sparta itself, which is written in the history and annals, of the most ancient polisins of Peloponnese Peninsula, the first Greek state.

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However, in Sparta itself there is one unique attraction, to look at which many tourists come. This is exactly the rock with which Spartans at their time dumped down the babies. At least so it is considered.

Modern Sparta is no longer a military city, its glory has long passed. Now it is one of the largest trading and political centers of the Greek state.

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Considerable importance for Sparta has agriculture. In the overwhelming majority, the local population is engaged in the cultivation of citrus and olives (Calamaty variety is known far beyond Greece).

Sparta famous for a warm Mediterranean climate , There are a lot of sunny days here. But it is worth noting that in the summer there is unrealistic hot, the thermometer's column can reach the mark + 35 ... 38 ° C. No matter how paradoxically, considering some remoteness from the sea, Sparta is popular among tourists as a sea resort.

But here, most likely the case in Peloponnese as a whole. This peninsula in southern Greece boasts excellent sandy beaches and clean sea water. Especially attractive for vacationers Beaches of the Messina and Laconi Bay. These beaches are small and very cozy. Here you can not only like a seal to sunbathe under the sun, but to do windsurfing and "walk" under the sail. Lovers of a more traditional active recreation will also not be bored - vacationers will be able to ride water scooters, catamarans, water skiing, parachute, and so on. In addition, Sparta is a certain interest for climbers: climbing the peak of Megali Tourla or the peak of the Prophet Ilya are a tempting offer.

Sparta is favorably different from most major cities of Greece by preserved old buildings, large squares, beautiful streets and spacious parks. Although, what am I saying? This is all characteristic of most Greek cities. But Sparta is still some kind of special. I don't even really know what to explain.

And now you try to answer the question: "Is it worth going to Sparta"? In my opinion, it is worth!

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