The most interesting places in Calcutta.


Calcutta is quite interesting, from a tourist point of view, a city in India, which has its own special charisma. Meanwhile, if you try to highlight the main attractions here, I would suggest the following list.

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1. Calcutta Zoological Garden, or Aloriz Zoo. He is today the oldest Zoo of India, which has official status. The opening of the complex occurred in the late 19th century. The beginning of the Zoological Garden put the Bengal Governor General Arturo Willlesli. It all started with a small private animal on the private land of the Governor General, not far from Calcutta. However, soon Willlesley was forced to leave India, and a well-known zoologist from Scotland Francis Buchanan became the caretaker of this zoo. After some time, at the insistence of the public with the assistance of Lieutenant Governor Richard Temple, the government of the country officially allocated land under the zoological garden. The place was just chosen in an alignment, one of the richest suburbs of Calcutta. Interesting is the fact that the first animals for this zoo from their own animal granted Karl Schwendler, the usual German electrician attracted to the construction of the railway in the state. At the moment, this zoo has a unique meeting of various animals collected, in fact, from all over the world. There are Indian Elephants, Royal Bengal Tigers, African Lions, Ehu, Yaguars, Indian Rhinos and many other representatives of fauna. From the second half of the 20th century, this park, unfortunately, has acquired scandalous fame. Demonstrations of local defenders of nature are regularly held, which are aimed at attracting the attention of the authorities to not very good living conditions of animals living there. Nevertheless, the Zoo in Calcutta until today remains one of the most beloved and frequently visited places in the city, both for locals and numerous tourists.

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2. The Museum of India, which is located in Calcutta today is one of the most significant historical complexes of the country. Its creation here served as an impulse to intensify the study of history, culture and traditions of India, which was embodied in the opening of several other dozen multipurpose museums throughout the country. His ambitious collection of values ​​and works of art, which will be in front of you, makes the Indian Museum one of the most famous museums of the world. The India Museum founded in 1814 the Asian Association of Bengal, established at the end of the 18th century Sir William Jones. Initially, the project provided for the creation of only two exposure sections. Ethnological, archaeological and technical exhibits should be included in the first, and in the second - geological and zoological objects. The guardians of this museum kindly provided their private exhibits for the exhibition collection, many famous and rich people became. Basically, these were Europeans, but the contribution of the Indian collector Baba Ramkamal Sen, who later became the secretary of the Asian society, was particularly significant in general. The museum's collection has expanded significantly with time, and today you will see that the museum is divided into six sections consisting of more than three dozen galleries. At the end of the 19th century, another additional building was built here, where the part of the collection was transferred. Buying an entrance ticket to the Indian Museum today, you can count on his visit. Among the most popular and interesting tourists of the Museum exhibits can be distinguished by the ashes of the remains of the Buddha himself, several skeletons of prehistoric animals, as well as some rather rare picturesque canvas and Tibetan Tank. The State Museum of India today is a good place for visiting the whole family. Children here will also be interested. Visits to the museum will undoubtedly bring a lot of new and useful knowledge, and also give a lot of bright impressions.

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3. Fort William. Today it is perhaps one of the most important tourist attractions of Calcutta. Fort was built at the beginning of the period of government in India British, and received its name in honor of the King William (Wilhelm) of the Third. Before the construction there is a largest Park Calcutta - Maidan. In fact, there is not one, but two Fort William. One - old and one - new. The old fortress was built at the end of the 17th century Estra-India Company, which was led by John Goldmburge, in order to strengthen the British authorities in this territory. South East Bastion was built, as well as the surrounding wall. Then, at the beginning of the 18th century, John Bird built the northeast bastion, as well as a government house (management house) - a large two-story building in the center of the fortress. It was in it that the tragically well-known "black hole" was located, a small basement, where hundreds of British soldiers were tortured in the middle of the 18th century, after the fortress captured the troops of the ruler of Bengal Siraj Ud-Daulaha. Fort was renamed and received the name of Alinahar. Returned Fort British was a few years later. At the end of the 18th century, a large-scale reconstruction of the fortress and the construction of the so-called "new" fort has begun. The total area occupied by the construction, after that increased to 70 hectares. Today on the territory of the new fort there is headquarters of the Indian army, its eastern command. The fortress is capable of accepting "to accommodation" at the same time up to ten thousand soldiers.

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4. Victoria Memorial. This is a majestic Memorial in Calcutta dedicated to the Queen of Britain Victoria. It is just a huge structure having a dazzling white color, which is built surrounded by luxury gardens. The building is quadrangular and in height reaches more than 50 meters. With the initiative of its construction, Vice-King Lord Kurzon appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Pay attention to the mixing of architectural styles in this memorial. To the main style of the Italian Renaissance, the details typical for the East are organically added. For construction, the project architect used white marble. At the corners of the building you will see small turrets, and in his center - the dome, crowned with the figure of the victory.

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