Holidays in Nerhe: Useful Information


Going to rest in Nerhu, tourists should take into account a number of nuances, which are associated with the peculiarities of the local culture, lifestyle and the norms of behavior.

Bans and behaviors

  • Most of the local population speaks only in Spanish. However, if the travelers do not own them, it does not mean that rest will be spoiled. Most of the services of the service sector in the Nerhi speaks well in English or at least understands that tourists want from them. As for stores or institutions, ready to feed hungry tourists, there are no problems with communication at all. Just owners of some restaurants, pubs and shops are the British. And they will definitely understand their visitors who spell even on broken English. This fact was tested by me on his own experience. And in general, the locals are very benevolent. Almost all Spaniards with which tourists will have to express in the language of gestures and with the help of facial expressions, with a smile on the face will try to help.
  • The dress code at this resort of the Mediterranean coast is the formal business. Undoubtedly, visiting restaurants in swimsuits and wrames should not be tourists, but the evening outfits are unlikely to be appropriate. The optimal option for walking around the city and visits to peteed venues in the summer will be a T-shirt, jeans or shorts. As for the visit to the local church, Salvador, the tourists should be covered with shoulders and put on the skirt to avoid oblique views from Spanish. In other cases, no one pays attention to the clothing of travelers. And one more small nuance concerning shoes. It is not necessary to lose the suitcases with stood shoes and sandals. The most suitable shoes for walking on the streets of Neri - comfortable "sneakers" at low go.

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  • In Snow Whole Nercha, it is officially forbidden to smoke in public places. Tourists inform numerous prohibiting signs established near the tourist sites visited by tourist facilities, and simply on the streets. For smoking visitors in the restaurants of the resort, special zones are assigned. True, there are tables for smokers only on open terraces. Nevertheless, choosing a place for snack and leisure travelers, you need to pay attention to the existence of a smoking plate. The inscription is usually located on the showcase or entrance door of the restaurant. NO ESTÁ PERMITIDO FUMAR label prohibits smoking in the institution, and "Está Permitido Fumar" allows smoking.

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Loyal representatives of the authorities from the first time are not fined to violators tourists. They make just a warning to which I advise you to listen. After all, the size of the fine ranges from 30 to 160 euros. And the small sizes of the town and stay in it more than a day increase the chances of tourists to meet the same police during the next violation.

You can buy cigarettes in Nercha in tobacco stores (TabacOS) or automata installed in pubs and bars. Moreover, the cost of cigarettes in the machines of Irish pubs does not differ from the price of tobacco. While cigarettes from the machine guns of other bars are 50 cents more expensive. By the way, in stores and supermarkets, the sale of cigarettes is prohibited.

Time Seside

The famous Spanish Siesta begins in Nerja at two in the afternoon and lasts until 16:00. Even despite the influx of tourists during the warm season, many food shops belonging to indigenous people close on the afternoon from Monday to Friday. As for the Saturday, after Seside, some shops do not open. And on Sundays, most of the food shops are closed at all. Given this, tourists on the eve of the weekend should be stocking necessary harms or have to run to the nearby supermarket. And I also note that the grocery market in the Nerhery works only on Tuesdays, and fruit shops and tents that fall out almost every step are usually closed at noon.

Transport and services

  • The monetary unit of Spain is the euro, which will bring it most advantageous with them. In the banks of the resort, the exchange rate of currency is extremely unprofitable for Russian tourists. Nevertheless, if there is a need for exchanging, then travelers should not take bills with a par value above 50 euros. Just when calculating large banknotes, the likelihood is given that they will be refused to be taken due to the lack of delivery. In my case, buy fruit on the market with bill in 100 euros failed.
  • With Tea at this resort, it is very simple. Taxi driver Tourists can thank 10% surcharge to the cost of travel. As for the tips in the restaurant, they are usually automatically included in the account. Otherwise, their size depends on the financial capabilities of tourists and is in the range of 5-10%.
  • Public transport in Nerja is a blue bus that runs along the old part of the city and along the coastal zone. Not much more expensive will cost tourists movement within the resort by taxi. The main parking lot taxi in the daytime is located in the area of ​​the Hermit Square on San Miguel Street. In the evening, taxi drivers are moved to Castile Perez. The average cost of a taxi trip by Nerhe is 6 euros.
  • As for telephone calls from the resort home, tourists are most profitable to make them from the street automata "TeleFonica". You can pay such a call with coins or a special plastic card purchased in any newsstand or in the post office at Calle Almirante Ferrandis. Calls from hotel rooms and removable housing will cost twice as expensive. So travelers are better not to use them.


Despite the fact that Nerch in general is a rather safe resort, walking in the evenings alone should not be tourists. In addition, the late walk should not take large amounts of money and documents.

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In order to preserve, expensive things are better to leave at the hotel. Vigilance and marginal caution will be appropriate from travelers during sightseeing and in the period of passage in the city of Festivals. A large cluster of people during the period of folk festivals pushes deft thieves to climb into pockets to the guests of the city. So tourists will not interfere with once again to control their pockets and the integrity of the handbag.

Summing up, I will say that the nerve is an amazing resort - cozy and slightly rustic at first sight, but can surprise and give to tourists a lot of memorable moments.

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